Jano knows I am kidding

Your suggestion is pretty much outing me.

Most people know who I am anyways

It doesn't really matter. I have done alone of assistance in primarily homebrewing here unsure of all the trolling you think I'm doing
I admit I’m lacking in attention to the brewing section so most of the time when you refer to it I’m clueless, AND, I like you — but I don’t think I’ve outed ya
I support spaceman even though type2 thinks I'm a fucktard
Spaceman’s good; you’re good, we are Meso OGs after all. You are BOTH great bros.

I actually don’t think you’re a fucktard by any measure.

This is a throwback to an earlier thread and discussion but I’ll continue it here because you’ll understand.

I think that the value of trust should never be dispensed with; even if it were possible in valuable exchanges.

Trust is inherent to everything we depend on, and your intimations by implicit assumption that escrow’s reliance on trust is a weakness bothered me, because I believe that so-called “trustless” exchanges, were they to exist, would be less reliable than those that depend on it.

Since they’re not possible even with cryptographic tricks like multisig because of the human element (at best funds just sit in purgatory, lost to the ether, artificially pumping up price of crypto) and since trust is actually a social good rather than a personal vulnerability, I think simply that you are mistaken now but will come around with age and maturity to the value of instinct.

My instinct, for example, tells me that you and Spaceman are good bros. I trust your motives.

And we should absolutely gang up on and focus our energies on retribution against this eastern tracksuit wearing scammer POS at issue here.