Hu Pharma Good? Bad?


You can reach this company on wicker under the username : hupharma

Have no idea about their legitimacy , but someone told me they have low prices, so I went out and searched them out, found them, and got a price list
they have a thread in meso, I used them in the past, peptides and hgh okish, i have done bloods on hgh, test e and custom mix half finished that I filtered using their vials and filters, it was pip free, but expensive compared to finished stuff and hgh u get from quingdao
They are gtg, and nice reshipment in eu for raws at least. If they will keep doing like they do now i dont see point to change source tbh :)
Curious as to how the unfinished oils work and what you have to do to finish them. Seems like it would be dirt cheap to buy it that way and finish yourself if it's not too hard or expensive. Wish they had some caber as well but overall prices don't seem too bad at all.
Curious as to how the unfinished oils work and what you have to do to finish them. Seems like it would be dirt cheap to buy it that way and finish yourself if it's not too hard or expensive. Wish they had some caber as well but overall prices don't seem too bad at all.
You have to filter them and then re-vial them.

Not sure if they come in jugs or vials though. If they come in vials, that would be a pain to open and then filter them. If they come in jugs, that wouldn’t be bad at all, especially if you have a pump.
Curious as to how the unfinished oils work and what you have to do to finish them. Seems like it would be dirt cheap to buy it that way and finish yourself if it's not too hard or expensive. Wish they had some caber as well but overall prices don't seem too bad at all.
Filtering sucks when you do it with a syringe filter as I used to do, and getting sterile sealed vials is expensive . I got both 0.22 filters and empty (not sealed) vials from hupharma for 10€ each, but now it's just cheaper to buy finished sterile oils, prices dropped insanely these late years when you see prices of quingdao or other chinese and some european sources like golden and liska.
the best thing is to brew your own oils to get the cheapest deal
A source that sells hgh fragments doesn't raise doubts with anyone? That raises a red flag to me, but if their gear tests well.....
I dont know legitimacy of the gear or the source. However anything endorsed by cherokee, you should probably think twice about. If I was a source and this moron was endorsing my gear I would do whatever it took to distance myself from him.
I dont know legitimacy of the gear or the source. However anything endorsed by cherokee, you should probably think twice about. If I was a source and this moron was endorsing my gear I would do whatever it took to distance myself from him.
They have a 44 page thread here and a 75 page thread on Meso France to check for reviews. Let's not acknowledge anything this moron ever posted.
I dont know legitimacy of the gear or the source. However anything endorsed by cherokee, you should probably think twice about. If I was a source and this moron was endorsing my gear I would do whatever it took to distance myself from him.
I’m not convinced he was endorsing them. I think he was basically setting this up so he could become more visible and ultimately point to Qingdao, as the shill he was. Good riddance to bad rubbish - I’m so thankful Millard took out the garbage and banned him.
Now why him up private message they sent me a list similar but the prices are a little cheaper like almost half that test e was17 Buck and tren e200 was 25 bucks Masteron e200 was 25 if you buy 20 plus bottle of stuff