HYB Product Janoshik test result

But are you planning for test? Are you giving any incentives if we test them ourselves? Thanks!
I believe the real question should be, why is this new/latest/current batch being sold (without it being tested) or at least an update/alert/disclaimer to all advising that X batch being sold has not been tested as of yet......

Just my thoughts......
I believe the real question should be, why is this new/latest/current batch being sold (without it being tested) or at least an update/alert/disclaimer to all advising that X batch being sold has not been tested as of yet......

Just my thoughts......

Simply put, people do not care about testing as much as Meso’s theme does.

And I think we’ve seen it happen before other times where a vendor said they were in the process of testing or the tests were on the way and it was sold out before the testing came back.

People simply don’t care. That’s the answer.
I believe the real question should be, why is this new/latest/current batch being sold (without it being tested) or at least an update/alert/disclaimer to all advising that X batch being sold has not been tested as of yet......

Just my thoughts......
You are right my friend,
Also, the source is offering credit to the members who do testing themselves, i feel with any UGL, is good practice to test the products yourself as well. Personally this is what ill be doing, ill be sharing results here with everybody as well as soon as received