HYB Product Janoshik test result

Your T600 is complete different from what was said in your product list (row 130) (recent screenshot)
I bought it because of the 2 long esters. Your test results are completely different.

View attachment 320746
Hey that sucks if you didn't get what was advertised.

Is the test for T600 those esthers listed?
Was there an error on the price list?
Are you going to look through all your tests and update your price list with the correct info?
I just found out that our price list is based on the previous content. This is a major oversight on our part.
The current content of test600 is:
180mg test acetate
220mg tpp
200mg cyp

Trenbolone Acetate 100mg Drostanolone Propionate 100mg
Testosterone Propionate 100mg
I believe you should be due a refund man.

@Yura(HYB) how come some of your testing is so off from what is advertised?
Waiting for a response from my Rep (Faye) about this.

@Yura(HYB) please don’t play dead, we are in the same timezone, it is 3 pm in China at the time of posting.

Rep clarified my order is safe from the change.
I had ordered January 22, so it was still the old stock at that time.

For others who ordered Feb 17 onwards contact rep ASAP
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But goddamn it I bought a kit of Test600
And I can’t fucking use it
I doubt you could have used it anyway.. you would have been on here crying about how their testosterone 600 Blend causes pip.. ... and we would have been like "no shit"" it if you can, your a tough mfo and I want no trouble..
You win dawg
I doubt you could have used it anyway.. you would have been on here crying about how their testosterone 600 Blend causes pip.. ... and we would have been like "no shit"" it if you can, your a tough mfo and I want no trouble..
You win dawg

Kinda defeats the purpose of a 600 blend but I'd still try diluting it before binning it.
I doubt you could have used it anyway.. you would have been on here crying about how their testosterone 600 Blend causes pip.. ... and we would have been like "no shit"" it if you can, your a tough mfo and I want no trouble..
You win dawg
I have tried 750 MG Test E and always dilute it with 1:1 ratio with grapeseed oil per shot. I have tons of sterilized GSO so no issues with dilution.

Even the Blend-500 (Mast E and Tren E) I bought here has no issues after injection (didn't even have to dilute it tbh (tried both undiluted and diluted, vitually no diff))

I bought Test 600 due to the long esters. Not for some hybrid long and short esters that they replaced it with.

But yes I do consider myself a tough mf because of how I managed to use my PWO (Test-Tren-Mtren blend, 105 mg/mL) where every shot, even how deep the needle is to my glutes and quads, felt like burning every blood vessel it passes through 5x a week for 10 weeks (insane power every session tho)
I have tried 750 MG Test E and always dilute it with 1:1 ratio with grapeseed oil per shot. I have tons of sterilized GSO so no issues with dilution.

Even the Blend-500 (Mast E and Tren E) I bought here has no issues after injection (didn't even have to dilute it tbh (tried both undiluted and diluted, vitually no diff))

I bought Test 600 due to the long esters. Not for some hybrid long and short esters that they replaced it with.

But yes I do consider myself a tough mf because of how I managed to use my PWO (Test-Tren-Mtren blend, 105 mg/mL) where every shot, even how deep the needle is to my glutes and quads, felt like burning every blood vessel it passes through 5x a week for 10 weeks (insane power every session tho)
I wouldn't see a problem with the tren/mast blen.. I make a mastE 400,a trenE 300 and a Test D 500 and can do a ml.of all 3 total 3ml =1200mg of dope and be ok, it's just that specific blend of high concentration test E&C that would bite me. I also make a 80/50 tne/trenbase pwo that doesn't bite.. im definitely no tough guy..I hopenyou received the right product, I'd be a lil sketcy on taking their word for it at moment myself.
thats exactly what i ordered, 36 IU kit, but i dont think i have money for janoshik testing, i'll give feedback based on bloodwork and how i feel i guess
You could always join one of the discord testing servers and join one of the tests for the product or if there isn’t one then request one and get others to join up. I happen to know there is a test forming for this latest 36iu SSA batch
Good work and nice results in my opinion. Besides dimer I would love to see maybe 2 vials hgh per batch tested.
Also did you test your tb500/bpc157 20mg blend, too? @Yura(HYB)
Or is it literally tb500 and bpc157 from that exact batch you just tested?
Ok good results for hgh10 and hgh24. Can be the start of good reliable business here on meso!
But as you know most interesting and reliable are blind tests! If you are confident in your products you need to offer a few blind tests. As you know I (and others) are pretty unhappy about your hgh24 because there is no noticeable effect if you stick to normal dosages. My hgh24 (ordered in Feb) is garbage! I need to treat them as 10iu vials then I have a little effect (blood sugar increase, serum value).

So Yura trust in your products and offer a blind test at Janoshik as others did before!!!