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New Member
I'm a 28 years old male from the EU. I have low T (~400) even after 2 years of hard training and clean eating. I've had a really hard time gaining muscle, I really had to train a lot, doing a lot of volume and using nucleus overload regularly.
2 years ago I was 80 kg while being 201cm tall. Nicotine addict... now I'm at 108kg around 15-17% bodyfat.
I've decided that I'll do my own TRT (as it's impossible to do the "right" way in my country).
I've ordered Test E, Masteron E (originally wanted to buy Primobolan E) together with HCG and Raloxifene.
I will start only with HCG for 2 weeks (3x250IU/week) + 10mg Ralox, that alone will raise my testosterone, and then I'll add 125mg Test E/week + raise the Ralox to 20mg +add 60-70mg masteron.
The reason for ralox isn't AI related, but gyno related, as I have pubertal gyno and I want to combat it too (this is why I went for Primo, masteron too).
I want to do bloodtest there after 6 weeks, when everything stabilises in my blood.
After that according to how I feel, I want to do a "cruise" or "mild cycle" where I raise the test to 250mg, the mast to 120mg, and everything would stay the same.
What do you think about this?