Mint Anabolics - US Domestic Source

You visited his "lab" or just saw a picture?
I just saw pics of his lab he posted publicly. I don’t know GL. Ordered from him yes, But don’t know him. He could be a dick for all I know, Maybe in real life he doesn’t signal or return his cart after he buys groceries. Who knows. What I do know is he had the proper equipment. And every vendor here needs to have the correct equipment to produce a safe product.
Why did you choose this new source?
Great question. The reason I chose this source is, my wife wanted to try out the Lady Var and I wanted some proviron on hand. The testing looked good and he was only $100 minimum order, so I didn’t have to order anything I didn’t need to meet a higher minimum order.

Not sure why that was so hard.
Great question. The reason I chose this source is, my wife wanted to try out the Lady Var and I wanted some proviron on hand. The testing looked good and he was only $100 minimum order, so I didn’t have to order anything I didn’t need to meet a higher minimum order.

Not sure why that was so hard.
I see that he does give very generous testing credit. Interested to see some members test here a products.
I've noticed a lack of response as well from this source on SST. Started out strong but comms seem to have slowed to a crawl...Definitely not too reassuring.
Unfortunately this is how the vendors on paid forums usually behave because they are babied by the user base and mods. Take a look a a majority of sst vendors, Synergy forge especially. He ghosts about every 2 months for several weeks, then comes back with promises to never do it. He’s been doing this for YEARS. Hunter was finally banned for it, But the mods are his buddy so they didn’t lock his thread when they’ve locked others to prevent inorganic conversation and shilling.

Most sst and pm sources don’t make it on MESO. We have high standards here and don’t tolerate the runaround. If you have poor communication, incorrect or missing equipment, you scam, you lie, no testing, etc. then you won’t last long here.

It’s ashame you see people giving sources words of encouragement and trying to joke about serious issues they have. As many have agreed, They are not our friends or family. This is a business transaction and if you can’t hold up your end of the bargain, Then you can go fly a kite. There’s nothing funny about endangering the health of someone who trusted you.

There are a lot of good honest sources here, No need to risk your health over a few dollars.
This is why it’s so hard for newbs to find a decent source. You got this Minty leaf seem all good and certain members praising how amazing he is. Fellas… at the end of the day… this is a drug dealer. You need to be absolutely certain what your threshold for safety and overall risk is. This is ultimately always a risk, even with the best of the best sources. For fucks sake even proper labs have issues and fda warnings coming out due to contamination and other fucked up shit leading to serious consequences.

Seem to remember certain idiot USA Domestic source on here went all Methed up and bonkers posting member info (faked I believe) but still, you can’t trust anyone, you can only be willing to take a calculated, albeit poorly, risk.

Anyways hopefully minty comes back and proves to be solid and I’ll keep watching along.
Is he still replying emails at least? Based on SST shipments are still arriving which were placed last week. Maybe Mint man is smarter than all of us and limits online presence in some super secret OPSEC shit we don’t know about lol (sarcasm I think).
Someone just popped up on Meso you mean. The good ole "my Proton isn't sending messages routine". Nice. I didn't know Proton had that issue. Must be a glitch on the drug dealer version of Proton.
So… I just checked my proton out of curiousity… I swear I thought I turned notifications off that’s why nothing was coming through. Welp… notifications are on and my proton ain’t notifying me of shit. Not defending Minty Boy but just wanted to share. He should be going into the proton anyways as a good practice and not rely on any notifications.

How bizarre… “Hmm, weird no orders coming in, oh well must be slow time right now, no need to go check my accounts *whistles away carelessly”.
So… I just checked my proton out of curiousity… I swear I thought I turned notifications off that’s why nothing was coming through. Welp… notifications are on and my proton ain’t notifying me of shit. Not defending Minty Boy but just wanted to share. He should be going into the proton anyways as a good practice and not rely on any notifications.

How bizarre… “Hmm, weird no orders coming in, oh well must be slow time right now, no need to go check my accounts *whistles away carelessly”.

Here's the issue he raised:

Hey fellas, still having some odd issues with Proton not always sending my messages. Think I got it figured out today. If you have a message out to me and I haven't replied, please shoot me an email and I will take care of whatever you need.

I understand what you mean but that would be an entirely different issue.

Sorry my post above was vague. I should have stated which messages LOL.
Here's the issue he raised:

I understand what you mean but that would be an entirely different issue.

Sorry my post above was vague. I should have stated which messages LOL.
I went on SST and saw it myself. My bad, should have done that prior lol. Either way this is kinda silly to put lightly. How long do you wait before addressing a communication issue, a week seems like a bit long for this kind of business. What the fuck do I know tho.
So I’m just assuming this vendor also doesn’t use a laminar flow hood. Since none is pictured in his into, and the instructions in his brewing process don’t mention one.

It shocks me seeing such vague information on the brewing and sterilization process and people including veterans, keep ordering.

Shouldn’t you be more concerned with how what your injecting is made? The basic equipment would be the bare minimum one would think?

Just passing on a laugh.

Since this post, I have seen this question, posted on a few different source threads on various websites with different names, either spreading like wildfire or its the same person.

The funny part is I am not even sure the guy(s) asking the question know what a laminar flow hood is, they just saw that some smart guy at meso referenced it as being a sign of quality gear.

Just passing on a laugh.

Since this post, I have seen this question, posted on a few different source threads on various websites with different names, either spreading like wildfire or its the same person.

The funny part is I am not even sure the guy(s) asking the question know what a laminar flow hood is, they just saw that some smart guy at meso referenced it as being a sign of quality gear.

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I don’t have a user name on any other forum. I briefly had one on PM, I never used it or posted once I start getting spam personal messages from the mods shilling naps.

Good though! We should all know what steps that are being taken to ensure a safe sterile product.
@Minty so what about that Luninar Flow hood? Can you give us the same lame excuse you did on SST about the VPN being all jacked up as well. Really looking forward to the replies on here. Thanks