Neo Anabolics (US DOMESTIC)

no flow hood? you should at LEAST use a still air box. sorta sounds like ur on a table in a carpeted room in ur basement or kitchen..

no point in sterilizing if take it into dirty area anyway. you would be amazed what falls everywhere esp if dont close ur vents.

anyway, still air box insures at least some sterility is maintained.
I will post picture of the SAB that I use. The next batch that I produce I will use a laminar flow hood and post picture as proof.
Even more embarrassing, They are $30 on Amazon.

This guy needs to ask mommy for more money or find a better job. It’s embarrassing what he cannot afford as a basic necessity. Imagine starting a lemonade stand without a pitcher and cups. And stupid asses keep giving him words of encouragement like there’s some shortage of sources with correct math and correct equipment. Lots of newbs just happy to receive ANYTHING in the mail, no matter if it’s safely produced or accurately dosed.

They could be selling lemonade in pouches. More sterile ;)
I will post a picture of it to make you happy even though you said you do not care what I do or do not do....
You’ve said that like 3x now. It’s pretty obvious you lied about having one, I’m guessing you’re waiting on your order? Dude cmon, you blew it. You just keep making it worse by lying and dodging accountability.
Idk if being facetious is going to work in your favor currently.
I am joking around. I understand some peopel will purchase my product, others will not. I am ok with that, I do not want to be the biggest source on here. There are OG sources that do a stellar job at it, those guys rock. I get it I am new, but so far my testing has been pretty good. We shall see my testing on my orals how they return, but thats a different topic you guys can try to bash once I have results.
I am joking around. I understand some peopel will purchase my product, others will not. I am ok with that, I do not want to be the biggest source on here. There are OG sources that do a stellar job at it, those guys rock. I get it I am new, but so far my testing has been pretty good. We shall see my testing on my orals how they return, but thats a different topic you guys can try to bash once I have results.
Just part of the vetting process. Welcome to meso
lol also looks like just came in from 1 day amazon delivery and yet to be used or sprayed with alcohol...

and yes Alex is correct those do not work well as when that cheap plastic flaps it stirs up debris.

anyway glad he is getting a proper hood.
lol also looks like just came in from 1 day amazon delivery and yet to be used or sprayed with alcohol...

and yes Alex is correct those do not work well as when that cheap plastic flaps it stirs up debris.

anyway glad he is getting a proper hood.
You sound very knowledgeable on the topic. I would be interested to see which laminar flow hoods the current domestic sources on the forums use to make a more educated purchase in the future. Maybe you can reference them.
You sound very knowledgeable on the topic. I would be interested to see which laminar flow hoods the current domestic sources on the forums use to make a more educated purchase in the future. Maybe you can reference them.
Can we hold hands together through your still air box too? Shouldn’t you be the knowledgeable one? You’re the vendor lol. Idk fuckin google “laminar flow hood” and press checkout.

If you fwd me your grocery list I can do that after I cut your toe nails and heat up your lean cuisine