Have an absolutely horrific cold

Ah yes because eating with a swollen throat everyday in pain is going to be very helpful. Maybe getting my tonsils taken out would stop this from happening every year.
Maybe, what you need is to get that checked out by a doctor. Having swollen throat preventing you to eat can’t be solved by Meso know it alls and gym bros but a a real medical professional.
Not available in the United Kingdom.
Seeing a gp in the UK is a nightmare but try to give them a call.
Otherwise pop into a Boots.

Certain things just need to run their course, it may last a while.
Are your glands swollen?
Antibiotics would be good if you know it is a bacterial infection, viral one nope.
Have you taken any aspirin? That often helps with inflammation, if you don't have anything else available.

I mean, even if you don't manage to gobble down 7 million calories a day for a few days, it's not like it's going to make any difference.
Imagine you were seriously ill, for months on end, and that may put this bs into perspective.

Flipping drama for a cold:

So I have an absolutely horrific cold atm and it's making it hard to eat having a negative effect on my appetite and my throat is extremely swollen.

Is there anything I can take that isn't going to have a negative effect on muscle growth?

Making it difficult to eat now, so looking for something to fix it. Like swallowing actually hurts. Like tonight I can't sleep because of how swollen it is. Proper painful making me not want to swallow at all.

You are very young and all but maybe you need mum to look after you a little, not the Meso crew
Seeing a gp in the UK is a nightmare but try to give them a call.
Otherwise pop into a Boots.

Certain things just need to run their course, it may last a while.
Are your glands swollen?
Antibiotics would be good if you know it is a bacterial infection, viral one nope.
Have you taken any aspirin? That often helps with inflammation, if you don't have anything else available.

I mean, even if you don't manage to gobble down 7 million calories a day for a few days, it's not like it's going to make any difference.
Imagine you were seriously ill, for months on end, and that may put this bs into perspective.

Flipping drama for a cold:

You are very young and all but maybe you need mum to look after you a little, not the Meso crew
I've went with just natural remedies and buttercup cough syrup as I'm avoiding paracetamol, ibuprofen, pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine, naphazoline and oxymetazoline. I'm on 40mg of telmisartan everyday and doing cardio to keep my blood pressure in a healthy range. Avoiding anything that will spike my blood pressure and heart rate.

Pharmacist said I'm pretty limited to natural remedies if I'm avoiding those specific ingredients/drugs. Said my best bet is buttercup original cough syrup and add vick if needed and can stack water nasal sprays.
A weak "appetite" overwhelming your ability to eat?

Take some personal responsibility for your diet choices and stop looking for a chemical crutch to replace willpower. Put the food in your mouth, chew, and swallow. How hard could it be? Are your teeth broken?

I'm going to eat a 20oz steak, then finish it off with a pint of ice cream, and dm you the video so you can see how it's done, if you'd only put your mind to it.

@DECLAN @iris

Bunny, this thing didn't work, did it?

He is ill, with flipping mononucleosis or something, lol.

We know you tag Declan just because he is Canadian, but why moi?
I have defended you and your glp stuff on many occasions, along the lines of "whatever works for someone, so be it".
What I do not like, is when you insist and hassle someone who told you they don't care about it or want to have it, for whatever reason that may be. That's all.

Now that autumn/winter comes, I shall drop the ball a bit, drop he cardio and hit the hot chocolate and pain au chocolat; it's cold, we need a good layer if insulation, like camels. What do you think i am going to do, to get rid of my lardy bits, after I have indulged for months?
Diet and ride? No man, I will do it your way and get some sema from The Lobster.
Ya see, I am learning ;)
Some dispassionate advice from Da Ghoul's United Pct24x7 Medical Centre:
Methylprednisolone suppresses those quickly and restores appetite fast. as well as energy levels, but it's unlikely you have that in hand. (get some from india pharma for next time).

OP you better stock up, the feds are coming with scanners and stuff.
However, like @Dirthand and I always say, f**k 'em.

After considering the medical evidence, da Ghoul figures there is a better way to deal with OP's unspecified disease and Darwinism is called upon to restore balance:
If he dies, he dies, natural selection.

However, the ethical dilemma continues and Da Ghoul reneges on his Darwinian pledge. Allright, then,

You can get an online prescription for methlypresnisolone in 10 minutes and pick it up at a local pharmacy. LMK if you need an assist.

But that's not it. The best bipolar telehealth event in history thus concludes:
It's not helpful for the strong to squander energy propping up the unfit nature herself seeks to weed out...

OP, some Lemsip should do it.
Some dispassionate advice from Da Ghoul's United Pct24x7 Medical Centre:

OP you better stock up, the feds are coming with scanners and stuff.
However, like @Dirthand and I always say, f**k 'em.

After considering the medical evidence, da Ghoul figures there is a better way to deal with OP's unspecified disease and Darwinism is called upon to restore balance:

However, the ethical dilemma continues and Da Ghoul reneges on his Darwinian pledge. Allright, then,

But that's not it. The best bipolar telehealth event in history thus concludes:

OP, some Lemsip should do it.
I'm avoiding paracetamol, ibuprofen, pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine, naphazoline and oxymetazoline. Lemsip has paracetamol. Just went with the pharmist recommendation of buttercup original cough syrup, using vick and having honey pretty often to ease things off atm. If still bad will stack water nasal spray or whatever he said that can be used ontop of this. Avoiding things that will increase my blood pressure and increase heart rate and anything that will make me drowsy.20240928_150935.webp
I take a couple of different compounds for appetite stimulation when I am struggling to hit Marco and caloric goals (4000 on and 3200-3500 off)

GHRP-6 is sort of my “in the background” appetite stimulant and Ibutamoren for more on an “on demand” type impact.

Ibutamoren is the type of compound to take like an hour before hitting up old country buffet and you can go to war with the carving station. It’s also the compound of worst nightmares for the GLP soccer moms
I take a couple of different compounds for appetite stimulation when I am struggling to hit Marco and caloric goals (4000 on and 3200-3500 off)

GHRP-6 is sort of my “in the background” appetite stimulant and Ibutamoren for more on an “on demand” type impact.

Ibutamoren is the type of compound to take like an hour before hitting up old country buffet and you can go to war with the carving station. It’s also the compound of worst nightmares for the GLP soccer moms
I'll keep this in mind. I'm trying to resolve my head cold that has swollen up my throat, bunged up nose, banging headache, fatigued, tired, loss of appetite etc. The loss of appetite seems to be from the fact it hurts to eat, making me not want to eat any solid food, so like someone said, might have to make liquid calories for the meantime until this goes away. Hoping this buttercup original cough syrup will help ease this off as it's absolutely killing me, then hopefully can get back to eating more solid food once my throat isn't sore and swollen.
I take a couple of different compounds for appetite stimulation when I am struggling to hit Marco and caloric goals (4000 on and 3200-3500 off)

GHRP-6 is sort of my “in the background” appetite stimulant and Ibutamoren for more on an “on demand” type impact.

Ibutamoren is the type of compound to take like an hour before hitting up old country buffet and you can go to war with the carving station. It’s also the compound of worst nightmares for the GLP soccer moms

Seriously, though, you catch a cold and take ghrp6 to eat?

OP is just full of snot.

Not sure you read the post.
In a few days he will be fine.
It may last longer because he is not taking any medication, to help it, but bloody hell, if it's that much of a concern, put lunch into a blender and bottoms up.
Or prettily eat with a spoon with the pinkie up.

I bet OP is well posh, so he'll go for that.
Spiffing marvellous.
I'll keep this in mind. I'm trying to resolve my head cold that has swollen up my throat, bunged up nose, banging headache, fatigued, tired, loss of appetite etc. The loss of appetite seems to be from the fact it hurts to eat, making me not want to eat any solid food, so like someone said, might have to make liquid calories for the meantime until this goes away. Hoping this buttercup original cough syrup will help ease this off as it's absolutely killing me, then hopefully can get back to eating more solid food once my throat isn't sore and swollen.
Right now just focus on rest and hydration brother. Plenty of time to get after it with renewed intensity once you are healthy
Seriously, though, you catch a cold and take ghrp6 to eat?

OP is just full of snot.

Not sure you read the post.
In a few days he will be fine.
It may last longer because he is not taking any medication, to help it, but bloody hell, if it's that much of a concern, put lunch into a blender and bottoms up.
Or prettily eat with a spoon with the pinkie up.

I bet OP is well posh, so he'll go for that.
Spiffing marvellous.
I was more speaking in generalities about appetite stim. For colds I have heard some people suggest using compounds like Thymosin Alpha 1 or other immune modulators but personally these have never done a thing for me
I'm avoiding paracetamol, ibuprofen, pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine, naphazoline and oxymetazoline. Lemsip has paracetamol. Just went with the pharmist recommendation of buttercup original cough syrup, using vick and having honey pretty often to ease things off atm. If still bad will stack water nasal spray or whatever he said that can be used ontop of this. Avoiding things that will increase my blood pressure and increase heart rate and anything that will make me drowsy.View attachment 296889

You know this @Var1, you cute little buttercup. Lol

Have a look at the start and give OP your best remedy when it comes to drowning in snot and having the worst manflu, ever
200ml Vodka or other non strong flavored spirit. Put that on low heat with 4 sticks cinnamon and 5-6 cloves. 2-3 min after add 150gr of pure honey. Let it shimmer for 5 min and keep stirring.

Let it cool a bit and sip a shot or two. Repeat when necessary, always warm it beforehand.