Tren Base/Suspension - Better for Mental Sides?

By week 4 of Tren Ace, at a dose of 300mg p/w (100mg mon/wed/fri) I felt a really dark pessimism wash over me. I take 60mg p/d of Duloxetine for anxiety - it was no match for the tren. The “anger” side of the equation was not there, just a deep vibe that “there is no point in anything”. Took me at least a few weeks to recover once I stopped.

The notion that Tren Ace allows users a more conservative approach - because it is rapidly out of your system - did not work for me. In fact, I would say actually that it took the same time to noticeably work - as a compound - as it did to stop feeling the mental sides.

Question: has anyone noticed a difference in terms of the mental sides of Tren base? If someone runs it for a limited time-pinning twice daily- is it a good return on investment in terms of decent gains and a quick return to mental normality?
Thanks gents for this

I made a mistake with my high initial dose of Tren A. I have considered a lower dose but I am also looking seriously at Parabolan- Tren hex. I’d run 100mg p/w - I have a 100mg/ml vial from QSC.

My issue is that I felt almost identical sides from NPP at 300mg p/w. I’m sorta thinking 19nors are my enemy! It’s the same old story - the prospect of gains is too difficult to refuse. I feel like I can handle the mental sides if I can recover very quickly, if needed. That is my thinking now with the tren base. Theoretically at least, I thought I could stop and be approaching normal mental health within a couple of days.

Thanks for reading guys. Sending everyone positive energy from NSW, Australia
I don't think tren ace at 300mg/week is considered a high dose. I mean maybe for a first cycle, an argument could be made you could have started lower, but people usually start at 350/week all the time so i wouldn't say the dose is outrageous.

I think what messed with you the most was your dosing schedule. 100mg is quite a large amount, then to add to that you're doing it EOD so you're just having these constant, massive hormonal changes and the Rollercoaster of emotions that comes with that.

I find keeping blood levels stable very helpful to reducing tren sides, and doing 50mg ed would probably yield less sides than 100mg eod (or 3x a week). Yes pinning ed is annoying, but It is what it is if you're going to run ace.

I stick to mostly tren e now to avoid the ED jabbing, and to keep my blood levels stable. I wouldn't reccomend this though, especially if you're new to tren as its a longer ester and takes longer to clear if you have problems. People tolerate esters differently, and i just don't seem to get the bad sides with enanthate any more than I would with acetate

There does seem to be this weird stigma attached to tren esters where people perceive that:
-ace gives less sides
-enanthate gives the worst sides
-hex gives the least sides

Although I don't personally find this to be true (ive never used hex though)

I don't think tren base is the answer you're looking for either, that would just increase the hormone fluctuations even more, which again we don't want

Maybe you're just a bad responder to tren in terms of sides, maybe you started too high, or maybe your dosing scheme is to blame. Hard to say