Tren Base/Suspension - Better for Mental Sides?

By week 4 of Tren Ace, at a dose of 300mg p/w (100mg mon/wed/fri) I felt a really dark pessimism wash over me. I take 60mg p/d of Duloxetine for anxiety - it was no match for the tren. The “anger” side of the equation was not there, just a deep vibe that “there is no point in anything”. Took me at least a few weeks to recover once I stopped.

The notion that Tren Ace allows users a more conservative approach - because it is rapidly out of your system - did not work for me. In fact, I would say actually that it took the same time to noticeably work - as a compound - as it did to stop feeling the mental sides.

Question: has anyone noticed a difference in terms of the mental sides of Tren base? If someone runs it for a limited time-pinning twice daily- is it a good return on investment in terms of decent gains and a quick return to mental normality?