Tren Base/Suspension - Better for Mental Sides?

By week 4 of Tren Ace, at a dose of 300mg p/w (100mg mon/wed/fri) I felt a really dark pessimism wash over me. I take 60mg p/d of Duloxetine for anxiety - it was no match for the tren. The “anger” side of the equation was not there, just a deep vibe that “there is no point in anything”. Took me at least a few weeks to recover once I stopped.

The notion that Tren Ace allows users a more conservative approach - because it is rapidly out of your system - did not work for me. In fact, I would say actually that it took the same time to noticeably work - as a compound - as it did to stop feeling the mental sides.

Question: has anyone noticed a difference in terms of the mental sides of Tren base? If someone runs it for a limited time-pinning twice daily- is it a good return on investment in terms of decent gains and a quick return to mental normality?
Thanks gents for this

I made a mistake with my high initial dose of Tren A. I have considered a lower dose but I am also looking seriously at Parabolan- Tren hex. I’d run 100mg p/w - I have a 100mg/ml vial from QSC.

My issue is that I felt almost identical sides from NPP at 300mg p/w. I’m sorta thinking 19nors are my enemy! It’s the same old story - the prospect of gains is too difficult to refuse. I feel like I can handle the mental sides if I can recover very quickly, if needed. That is my thinking now with the tren base. Theoretically at least, I thought I could stop and be approaching normal mental health within a couple of days.

Thanks for reading guys. Sending everyone positive energy from NSW, Australia
I don't think tren ace at 300mg/week is considered a high dose. I mean maybe for a first cycle, an argument could be made you could have started lower, but people usually start at 350/week all the time so i wouldn't say the dose is outrageous.

I think what messed with you the most was your dosing schedule. 100mg is quite a large amount, then to add to that you're doing it EOD so you're just having these constant, massive hormonal changes and the Rollercoaster of emotions that comes with that.

I find keeping blood levels stable very helpful to reducing tren sides, and doing 50mg ed would probably yield less sides than 100mg eod (or 3x a week). Yes pinning ed is annoying, but It is what it is if you're going to run ace.

I stick to mostly tren e now to avoid the ED jabbing, and to keep my blood levels stable. I wouldn't reccomend this though, especially if you're new to tren as its a longer ester and takes longer to clear if you have problems. People tolerate esters differently, and i just don't seem to get the bad sides with enanthate any more than I would with acetate

There does seem to be this weird stigma attached to tren esters where people perceive that:
-ace gives less sides
-enanthate gives the worst sides
-hex gives the least sides

Although I don't personally find this to be true (ive never used hex though)

I don't think tren base is the answer you're looking for either, that would just increase the hormone fluctuations even more, which again we don't want

Maybe you're just a bad responder to tren in terms of sides, maybe you started too high, or maybe your dosing scheme is to blame. Hard to say
By week 4 of Tren Ace, at a dose of 300mg p/w (100mg mon/wed/fri) I felt a really dark pessimism wash over me. I take 60mg p/d of Duloxetine for anxiety - it was no match for the tren. The “anger” side of the equation was not there, just a deep vibe that “there is no point in anything”. Took me at least a few weeks to recover once I stopped.

The notion that Tren Ace allows users a more conservative approach - because it is rapidly out of your system - did not work for me. In fact, I would say actually that it took the same time to noticeably work - as a compound - as it did to stop feeling the mental sides.

Question: has anyone noticed a difference in terms of the mental sides of Tren base? If someone runs it for a limited time-pinning twice daily- is it a good return on investment in terms of decent gains and a quick return to mental normality?
See this is what bothers me. There is a misconception that TREN enanthate has these wicked sides and if you want to get rid of the sides or can handle them that acetate, would be a better option. This isn't the case. The sides are actually brought on much more gradually, not as intense. Acetates half life is definitely shorter and it is out of your system faster but that doesn't mean the sides are easier to control. My experience with TREN has tought me the best way to control any unwanted sides is to keep my levels as stable as possible, which is done by daily injections of it. Getting rid of peaks and valleys.
I think they should send out a questionnaire prior to being able to order TREN, Am I a raging lunatic in life already? Am I in a serious relationship that my livelihood depends on? Do I have self control ? If you answer yes to the 1st two and no to the last. You name should be shot to a database where not only can you not order TREN, but carts n kits too.
I preface this by saying I have only taken Hex, which is the longest acting Tren ester with a 14 day half life. I was also dosing very modestly at 150 mg per week.

That said, I find that the individual variability with Tren sides to be so all over the place that it is exceedingly difficult to draw many generalities. In your case, it sounds like you had a pretty bad run on things. Maybe Tren is just not the best option for you, or you can go back to the drawing board with either dosing frequency or quantity. Or potentially try swapping out to a different Tren derivative.

Side effect profile in my case was manageable IMO. I just found that I needed to be VERY cognizant of my behavior as seemingly minor annoyances could quickly become elevated. I never legit lost my shit or went crazy, but one day in particular about 7 weeks into my cycle the washing machine at my place bit the dust and I was going to be out 800+ bucks for a replacement. This came on the heels of a significant repair bill on my truck that I had just absorbed too, so I probably would have been at my wits end even without Tren. You would not have wanted to speak to or deal with me that particular day. The anger was all consuming and I was seemingly looking to fight anyone that made eye contact with me. Ultimately I tucked myself away in my man cave for a few hours to decompress and refocus, but I knew at that moment what everyone had always warned be about regarding Trenbolone. When I cycle hex again, I will be better prepared for this type of situation.

The real bitch of it is no compound I have ever messed with is even close in terms of performance. Test + Tren is truly next level for this dudes bod. I have missed that level of intensity and focus in the gym pretty much every day since I came off of it. I feel like my workouts off Tren are just going through the motions by comparison. So I am going to run it again without question.

In your case, I hope you are able to find a solution that works well for your goals and your headspace. Be it Tren or some other compound or combination.