Anyone know what's going on with me

You were already 1:1 test eq + aromasin you basically murdered your e2. Not only that, by adding mast and proviron you murdered your shbg. No estrogen + no shbg = dead dick. Do you even research what compounds do to your body?
You need estradiol to supply your shbg. Come off everything, stay at 120mg test or inject estradiol whatever you're into.
I'm a high aromatizer I've been good with the test/eq asin for a long time but ur right I got careless with the masteron and proviron I knew they could do that I just didn't think it would happen to me cuz I'm really estrogen prone good with dhts(zero hair loss no matter how much I push it). My dicks already working again after a couple days of taking 20-30mg dbol and taking another shot of just test last night that's how much of an aromatiser I am
5 to 10 mg of cetirizine per day why you clean up your hormonal status. Hives suck, that should help. Hope you feel better.

Do you do you run TRT when not on cycles? Or just intermittent cycles?
Cetirazine? Help me understand that on the hormone piece. (Real ask, not sarcasm)
A bad case of hives is easily 3rd to 5th circle of hell. Miserable.

Sure thing.
Without a doubt, my son has been dealing with it. Been using that exact antihistamine or Loratadine at bedtime. Hopefully puberty related and will outgrow. All damn summer for him this year.
Without a doubt, my son has been dealing with it. Been using that exact antihistamine or Loratadine at bedtime. Hopefully puberty related and will outgrow. All damn summer for him this year.
Wow, I am sorry to hear. I wish him a rapid remission. The immune system is such a black box. The hives may just disappear without rhyme or reason any day unless it may be allergy related. Or hormone/puberty like you said.
There's also fexofenadine/allegra if the other ones make him drowsy. Allegra supposed to be one of the best in terms of non-sedating. I hope they go away very soon for the poor guy.

When I went through a rough patch the hives also came with incredibly bad heartburn. Thankfully the cetirizine knocked out both. My immunlogist argued H1 receptor antagonists can't address heartburn. I was grateful the cetrizine didn't know that.
So I was taking 500mg test 500mg eq 25mg aromasin once a week for a while and added on 250mg masteron and also 50-75mg proviron. So I know I crashed my estrogen of course I was looking to fuck hard and it did the exact opposite(no dick and extreme dread) luckily I was still able to get her off by other means n she still likes me...for now. But I've also broken out in hives. Really nasty hives that come and go all over my body on my head armpits chest cock ass everywhere. It itches like crazy and I get little relief and my cock and libido is completely non functioning. I'm taking dbol to try to fix it but I'm throwing up not sure if I'm keeping it, have no appetite, no energy. Anyone else get this with crashed estrogen?? Or did I fuck myself up really bad in some way??
Syphilis. Sorry bro.
I'm a high aromatizer

This is the cheapest e2 test I've found:

At $35 even the poors can afford to do it. You're going to need it when you get on the gas again. Also, get your fucking insurance sorted like a goddamn grownup.
This is the cheapest e2 test I've found:

At $35 even the poors can afford to do it. You're going to need it when you get on the gas again. Also, get your fucking insurance sorted like a goddamn grownup.
Bookmarked thanks appreciated
What do I need health insurance for I have meso-rx you guys completely sorted my problems
This is just problems on the surface though. There are problems that do not manifest right away but will slowly accumulate and when it comes out the damage is already irreversible. Think LVH, kidney or other cardiovascular problems.

Bloodwork is essential to determine whether you need to cease drug use right away.

This is why they say don’t do gear if you can afford proper blood work.