Mint Anabolics - US Domestic Source

You visited his "lab" or just saw a picture?
I just saw pics of his lab he posted publicly. I don’t know GL. Ordered from him yes, But don’t know him. He could be a dick for all I know, Maybe in real life he doesn’t signal or return his cart after he buys groceries. Who knows. What I do know is he had the proper equipment. And every vendor here needs to have the correct equipment to produce a safe product.
Why did you choose this new source?
Great question. The reason I chose this source is, my wife wanted to try out the Lady Var and I wanted some proviron on hand. The testing looked good and he was only $100 minimum order, so I didn’t have to order anything I didn’t need to meet a higher minimum order.

Not sure why that was so hard.
Great question. The reason I chose this source is, my wife wanted to try out the Lady Var and I wanted some proviron on hand. The testing looked good and he was only $100 minimum order, so I didn’t have to order anything I didn’t need to meet a higher minimum order.

Not sure why that was so hard.
I see that he does give very generous testing credit. Interested to see some members test here a products.
I've noticed a lack of response as well from this source on SST. Started out strong but comms seem to have slowed to a crawl...Definitely not too reassuring.
Unfortunately this is how the vendors on paid forums usually behave because they are babied by the user base and mods. Take a look a a majority of sst vendors, Synergy forge especially. He ghosts about every 2 months for several weeks, then comes back with promises to never do it. He’s been doing this for YEARS. Hunter was finally banned for it, But the mods are his buddy so they didn’t lock his thread when they’ve locked others to prevent inorganic conversation and shilling.

Most sst and pm sources don’t make it on MESO. We have high standards here and don’t tolerate the runaround. If you have poor communication, incorrect or missing equipment, you scam, you lie, no testing, etc. then you won’t last long here.

It’s ashame you see people giving sources words of encouragement and trying to joke about serious issues they have. As many have agreed, They are not our friends or family. This is a business transaction and if you can’t hold up your end of the bargain, Then you can go fly a kite. There’s nothing funny about endangering the health of someone who trusted you.

There are a lot of good honest sources here, No need to risk your health over a few dollars.