Open? Unless a pic was remoived thasts unopened sitting atop a vape mod tank (yeah I vape to quit smoking) I get the jokes, but I also feel some hatred klike Im shilling for this guy. I mainly use Ace tbg and Ive used Jihntrivine (sp?) Test abnd EQ 300mg/ml ately too. If I wanted t o shill Id make my own gear like back in the day and give out sdamples so it would benefit me. We asre taslking early 2000s so shouldnt be against the rules to say.
I was just saying he may be new here but his gear is good and he isngt new at oither forums. Id be all sensitive but Im not thaT. jUST DONT FIND THE SAME REGURGITTAteted jokes as to be funny unless you giuys are messing then I apologize.,
Its funny to think Id shill or create an alt for free gear or to push my own gear under another alias., but have a great dfay fellasl. Be happy. its the internet, I hope you got a goodf laugh.
Sorry for the bad t5yping, I just moved and my monitor is nearly behind me and ina few days I will be settled in.
A great rep for a few lines is in the hospital with stage 4 liver failure so focus the hatred to wishing him well. hes a good man and helps a lot of people. Im not a zentype of guy, but I read what almopst had me in tears lasty night, so this jokiing or not doest affect me. I just ho-pe I dont have to attend a funeral withina a year of a man I bonded with online and never met in person.
And Im all ears foir good gear. o 1 op[en mic night standup and come at me and tell me youre funny... then we will talk.
Have ablessed day and be safe frenemies.
And if you find great gear lemme knowe who has iit if allowed anmd an open source, I try it all and make my own judgement
Im gonna lurk more but the briotherhoods have diminished vastly and iots more and more 1 liners and bringing others down. Joking is cool, but you dont know who youre talking to sometimes andf someone onme Tren not handlinmg it well couold take it harsdhly. My friends have been there.