Hi everyone!
My name is Dom. I'm new to the forum and new to dabbling in the world of steroids. I was on TRT in 2020, I went through a clinic that had me on test, HCG, and HGH. I had zero knowledge and was essentially just doing a trial run getting my foot in the door and seeing what it was all about (few of my friends I was spending time around have been using steroids for over 10+ years, I didn't want to get into that just yet, was just wanting to use test and see if HGH would help me put on size since I've been a "hard gainer" my whole life). I was in the military from 2012 - 2016, after getting out my body began to ache more, my energy levels depleted, and very slowly over time I began to gain weight (always had a 6 pack for as long as I could remember). 2020 was the first year I learned about testosterone and how different levels of testosterone effect men more than just in the aspect of erectile dysfunction. I thought my T levels were fine because I didn't have any ED related issues, boy was I wrong. Before starting TRT I came in around low 300 on my bloodwork. I don't remember my dosage or anything, as my memory isn't the greatest, but I do remember spending a fuck ton of money for about 2-3 months' worth of test, HGH, and HCG.
When I ran out of product, I was going through a bit of a downward spiral in life and had financial issues and couldn't see myself spending the money to continue TRT, so I didn't get back on. 2022 I moved to the east coast and didn't really have anything to do or anybody to hang out with so all I did was work and workout. I spent about 8 months straight doing this with like 1-2 days max of rest a week, and even on rest days I still would do mobility and / or cardio. During this time was when I got the biggest, first time I actually put on size. I wanted to get back on TRT but didn't want to spend the TRT clinic money, so I didn't get back on. As time went on, my work life balance became shit, I lost motivation, stopped spending as much time in the gym, and started to gain fat. Honestly, I was a little happy about it because I knew once I got back into the gym, I could get some real gains finally. The stress from work, the lack of motivation sent me into another downward spiral, so I picked up and went back home to be around friends and family (best decision I've made). Now I'm going back to school for business and finance, and I have a greater understanding on my path and the direction I want to go in life. As for my fitness, I've reached a point where I want to truly put on some massive size. I want to put my body to the test and see what I'm capable of.
I did a lot of research trying to dig and pry for as much information as I possibly could, but there's no book on how to properly do any of this. I understand there are a lot of risks involved and things can go sideways quick. I understand there can be serious negative side effects but also possible to have no negative side effects. From what I have learned so far, there is no guarantee on what anyone will experience, everybody will react a different way. I was going to start with just TRT but when I went to my nearest clinic and found out they wanted to charge $50 a week for 250mg of test per week, I couldn't see that making any sense for me, so I started to do even more research and found out about "underground labs" and websites selling 10ml vials for ~$100. I reached out to one of the guys I know who uses steroids and asked him for some information on where I can learn more, and source quality product and he said he makes his own product because he doesn't trust anyone else's stuff. I ended up getting pricing from him and got my money ready to place an order with him, but after placing my order, he began to respond less frequently and seemed very sketchy in terms of like, "Oh I got your money so I'm too busy to talk with you now." type shit. So, I dove even deeper, and learned none of the stuff advertised on websites is pharmaceutical grade and learned underground labs are basically just someone's kitchen and realized when he said he makes his own stuff, this is exactly what he did. I believe the product he provided is at least decent, did my first injection yesterday with 250mg test and 200mg of tren in the deltoid. Slight soreness, but not anything I'm unfamiliar with from my first experience with TRT. He also provided me dbol in raw powder form, so I ordered a scale that is coming in today from amazon and I'm probably just going to mix a small amount in with my protein shakes or coffee. Although I didn't have the greatest sleep, I had no night sweats and when I did wake up, I had full energy and have maintained that energy for 8 hours now with 1 hour at the gym and approximately 2 hours walking. I'm documenting my whole experience via video and maintaining a spreadsheet with weight measurements, tape, tracking workouts, etc.
Originally, I had no intention of joining this forum, but I realized I continue coming back to it to do more research. I am not a huge fan of forum websites because a LOT of people will go on them and use their single personal experiences to consider themselves an expert and essentially shit talk and tell everyone they're wrong and stroke their ego
. I changed my mind and decided to make an account on here when I began to do research on homebrewing, and someone had posted an attached file with a "beginners homebrewing shopping list". I was unable to view the attachment without making an account, but now that I am here, I do plan to participate a bit and test the waters and document my personal experience. In absolutely no way do I agree with the way that I am approaching this by the way. I'm not a gym rat and before injecting I was probably hitting the gym 3-4 times a week at most and they were 30-40 minute workouts at most. My energy levels were shit, I was wiped after about 5-10 minutes. My diet is not the greatest, I don't track my macros and essentially eat what I'm in the mood for. With that said, I still tend to eat fairly clean and stick to mostly chicken and a low intake on sugar. Now that I'm on TRT and Tren, my first workout today was an hour long and I used an app called "Fitbod" to create a workout for the day as well as track my weights for each movement. I certainly plan to spend more time in the gym if my energy levels continue to improve and my diet will clean up a bit more as well because when I spend more time in the gym, I'm more cautious about what I stuff my face with. I understand that these are not the most optimal baselines to begin with, but I'm deciding what I want to do with my body.
Also, I plan to homebrew before I finish the product that I currently have so I will probably be seen a lot in that section of the forum asking questions and getting comfortable enough to make my own stuff. I want to be able to know everything I'm putting into my body, my only struggle at the moment is understanding how to source raw powders and know if those raws are quality and not shit. I have a LOT to learn, but I'm going in with an open mind and I'm not afraid to be wrong.
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 205
Muscular / skinny fat type of build, currently shredding off the weight I put on during the last few months I was on the east coast.
Grow my biceps 3" minimum by April 2024
Say hello to my six pack again
Learn how to homebrew in complete confidence for myself
If you managed to read ALL of this word for word start to finish, I applaud you. I hate reading. I'd give you a cookie if I could.
My name is Dom. I'm new to the forum and new to dabbling in the world of steroids. I was on TRT in 2020, I went through a clinic that had me on test, HCG, and HGH. I had zero knowledge and was essentially just doing a trial run getting my foot in the door and seeing what it was all about (few of my friends I was spending time around have been using steroids for over 10+ years, I didn't want to get into that just yet, was just wanting to use test and see if HGH would help me put on size since I've been a "hard gainer" my whole life). I was in the military from 2012 - 2016, after getting out my body began to ache more, my energy levels depleted, and very slowly over time I began to gain weight (always had a 6 pack for as long as I could remember). 2020 was the first year I learned about testosterone and how different levels of testosterone effect men more than just in the aspect of erectile dysfunction. I thought my T levels were fine because I didn't have any ED related issues, boy was I wrong. Before starting TRT I came in around low 300 on my bloodwork. I don't remember my dosage or anything, as my memory isn't the greatest, but I do remember spending a fuck ton of money for about 2-3 months' worth of test, HGH, and HCG.
When I ran out of product, I was going through a bit of a downward spiral in life and had financial issues and couldn't see myself spending the money to continue TRT, so I didn't get back on. 2022 I moved to the east coast and didn't really have anything to do or anybody to hang out with so all I did was work and workout. I spent about 8 months straight doing this with like 1-2 days max of rest a week, and even on rest days I still would do mobility and / or cardio. During this time was when I got the biggest, first time I actually put on size. I wanted to get back on TRT but didn't want to spend the TRT clinic money, so I didn't get back on. As time went on, my work life balance became shit, I lost motivation, stopped spending as much time in the gym, and started to gain fat. Honestly, I was a little happy about it because I knew once I got back into the gym, I could get some real gains finally. The stress from work, the lack of motivation sent me into another downward spiral, so I picked up and went back home to be around friends and family (best decision I've made). Now I'm going back to school for business and finance, and I have a greater understanding on my path and the direction I want to go in life. As for my fitness, I've reached a point where I want to truly put on some massive size. I want to put my body to the test and see what I'm capable of.
I did a lot of research trying to dig and pry for as much information as I possibly could, but there's no book on how to properly do any of this. I understand there are a lot of risks involved and things can go sideways quick. I understand there can be serious negative side effects but also possible to have no negative side effects. From what I have learned so far, there is no guarantee on what anyone will experience, everybody will react a different way. I was going to start with just TRT but when I went to my nearest clinic and found out they wanted to charge $50 a week for 250mg of test per week, I couldn't see that making any sense for me, so I started to do even more research and found out about "underground labs" and websites selling 10ml vials for ~$100. I reached out to one of the guys I know who uses steroids and asked him for some information on where I can learn more, and source quality product and he said he makes his own product because he doesn't trust anyone else's stuff. I ended up getting pricing from him and got my money ready to place an order with him, but after placing my order, he began to respond less frequently and seemed very sketchy in terms of like, "Oh I got your money so I'm too busy to talk with you now." type shit. So, I dove even deeper, and learned none of the stuff advertised on websites is pharmaceutical grade and learned underground labs are basically just someone's kitchen and realized when he said he makes his own stuff, this is exactly what he did. I believe the product he provided is at least decent, did my first injection yesterday with 250mg test and 200mg of tren in the deltoid. Slight soreness, but not anything I'm unfamiliar with from my first experience with TRT. He also provided me dbol in raw powder form, so I ordered a scale that is coming in today from amazon and I'm probably just going to mix a small amount in with my protein shakes or coffee. Although I didn't have the greatest sleep, I had no night sweats and when I did wake up, I had full energy and have maintained that energy for 8 hours now with 1 hour at the gym and approximately 2 hours walking. I'm documenting my whole experience via video and maintaining a spreadsheet with weight measurements, tape, tracking workouts, etc.
Originally, I had no intention of joining this forum, but I realized I continue coming back to it to do more research. I am not a huge fan of forum websites because a LOT of people will go on them and use their single personal experiences to consider themselves an expert and essentially shit talk and tell everyone they're wrong and stroke their ego

Also, I plan to homebrew before I finish the product that I currently have so I will probably be seen a lot in that section of the forum asking questions and getting comfortable enough to make my own stuff. I want to be able to know everything I'm putting into my body, my only struggle at the moment is understanding how to source raw powders and know if those raws are quality and not shit. I have a LOT to learn, but I'm going in with an open mind and I'm not afraid to be wrong.
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 205
Muscular / skinny fat type of build, currently shredding off the weight I put on during the last few months I was on the east coast.
Grow my biceps 3" minimum by April 2024
Say hello to my six pack again
Learn how to homebrew in complete confidence for myself
If you managed to read ALL of this word for word start to finish, I applaud you. I hate reading. I'd give you a cookie if I could.