I find it strange that


New Member
New to the meso fam but have been around similar forums for ~15 years. One thing I’ve always found strange in this “industry” is that you can easily source pharmaceutical grade brand name HGH (pfizer, lilly, etc) but it’s very rare, if ever, that you can source brand name testosterone (pfizer, west-ward, perrigo etc). I understand testosterone is cheap and easy to produce and that you can source pharm grade (and great ugl) but brand name HGH I would assume is MUCH more regulated and harder to get. Am I crazy or has anyone else thought about that? Any thoughts/opinions on why sourcing brand name HGH (and other highly regulated brands like ozempic etc) is so much more common than brand name test?
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New to the meso fam but have been around similar forums for ~15 years. One thing I’ve always found strange in this “industry” is that you can easily source pharmaceutical grade brand name HGH (pfizer, lilly, etc) but it’s very rare, if ever, that you can source brand name testosterone (pfizer, west-ward, perrigo etc). I understand testosterone is cheap and easy to produce and that you can source pharm grade (and great ugl) but brand name HGH I would assume is MUCH more regulated and harder to get. Am I crazy or has anyone else thought about that? Any thoughts/opinions on why sourcing brand name HGH (and other highly regulated brands like ozempic etc) is so much more common than brand name test?
First thing, if we're talking about the USA(which is where I reside) Testosterone and all AAS are Schedule 3 drugs. That means, according to the FDA, they have a moderate risk of dependence and abuse. GH isn't scheduled.

The very popular in the TRT area is Actavis Test Cyp 200mg/ml. It began as Watson Test Cyp before being sold. The design and coloring of the box and label looks the same as it did when it was Watson. It now reads Actavis. It was the first USA Pharm grade Test that had been counterfeitted and took our Community by storm. Domestic Supply and the former good guy, Ret, got rich selling UGL Test Cyp as Pharm Grade Test Cyp.

The product was/is still manufactured in Portugal. However, it is under contract t be distributed/sold and marketed exclusively for the North American Market. Those still trying to convince us that they have the hook up for authentic Test Cyp from Actavis say whatever they can to try and convince us that its the real deal. They tell us gear is legal in Portugal. As if you can tour the plant and buy samples of the Test Cyp from the gift shop on the way out? Every brand of USA Pharm Grade Test is now counterfeitted.

As far as USA Pharm Grade GH is concerned. Serostim is what most find for sale on the Black Market. Its because the FDA in its infinite wisdom gave EMD Serono the nod back in the 80's and made Serostim the only brand of GH that was to be prescribed for the Wasting Syndrome associated with HIV/AIDS. That's still the case today.

The small % of HIV patients that are prescribed Serostim, get (4) 126iu kits a month. Some of these folks sell their Serostim instead of taking it. Wasting isn't as prevalent as it was back when Serostim first started being prescribed. The other drugs have improved.

Many of those script holders also are prescribed Testosterone as well. Here's the thing; While the patient is prescribed 4 kits per month he is prescribed, by and large, 200mg of Test Cyp a week. The vials are 10ml each. That means they are prescribed (1) 10ml vial of Test Cyp every 10 weeks(2.5 months). During that time they have picked up 12 kits of Serostim. 12 kits to every 1 vial. There are way more kits of GH available than there are vials of Testosterone.