I only get pip from Test E and C


Not talking about weird rare stuff like dhb, bold ace, inj orals and what not...

I have noticed that I only seem to get slight pip from either Testosterone C or E, no matter the carrier oil, lab, dosage, site, IM/SQ, whatever.
It's been always like this and I'm getting a bit tired of it, as I noticed I don't get any pip from prop, undecanoate and bunch of other steroids like tren ace, equipoise, deca and many others. It's not carrier oil issue or quality, you name it I have tried it (cotton seed, grape seed, mct, sesame, peach oil, miglyol, castor, arachis) none of it matters, as far as labs go again many of different and respectable ones including almighty Balkan pharma (BP) and their cousin SP labs. None give PIP except for Testo C or E.

I wouldn't bitch about it, but my plan is to cruise long term again and I think this pip is not just for nothing and no it's not that insane pip few years from test e we had either, it's just slight pip but noticeable. Been like this for years, I'm currently using testo c. Otherwise I respond well to either Testosterone.

Here I'm thinking, maybe I should give a try to Sustanon perhaps? As I respond not well to undecanoate due to estrogen control (yeah it's weird I know). With c or e I respond very well, but this pip thing is getting annoying over the years.

My only options are Sustanon and prop then, but prop and daily injections don't suit me at all. I'm really thinking about Sustanon. I hear some say they feel fine on 2x per week injections.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Anyone else experiencing this issue?
I get slight PIP from Test E and very little or none (depending on where it's from) from Test C. I have yet to try Prop, although I think you'd be okay with EOD injections.

Give Sust a try, although personally, I'd do M/W/F injections. Just make sure if you're getting Sustanon with arachis oil that you don't have a peanut allergy.

Question: Have you tried heating your gear before injection?
I get slight PIP from Test E and very little or none (depending on where it's from) from Test C. I have yet to try Prop, although I think you'd be okay with EOD injections.

Give Sust a try, although personally, I'd do M/W/F injections. Just make sure if you're getting Sustanon with arachis oil that you don't have a peanut allergy.

Question: Have you tried heating your gear before injection?
Thanks, I hopefully don't have any as I experience no symptoms of what google mentioned when I typed in "peanut allergy" when eating peanuts, peanut based products, other types of nuts or injecting arachis oil based drugs.

I probably will go with Sustanon, I might first get it from one of the sources here to test it out how I feel on it and then perhaps switch to pharma. Either Omnadren or Sustanon, though omna is more tempting due to cheaper cost.

Thing is I don't get any pip and I forget that I injected when using propionate, many others say they experience pip from prop but for me it's not an issue. Best for me in terms of feels and results during the blast was every day administration, but I got away with M/W/F few times too and it was fine. I definitely feel prop more, I feel it kicking few hours after injection, with testo c for example I only feel somewhat similar kick only on second day after injection.

Yeah, I have tried heating and all, still no pip regardless if warm or not from other steroids except for testo c or e. Although it does slightly reduce pip, but it is still present.
I had the same issue for years..
Moved to aspen sust 3 times a week the funny thing is aspen sust contains 10% ba.. but I don't feel any pip sometimes I even wonder if I did the shot in the morning or forgot it before that I'd always feel a slight soreness with e/c now it's like butter..
I had the same issue for years..
Moved to aspen sust 3 times a week the funny thing is aspen sust contains 10% ba.. but I don't feel any pip sometimes I even wonder if I did the shot in the morning or forgot it before that I'd always feel a slight soreness with e/c now it's like butter..
Good to hear and also it's nice that I'm not alone on this one. Do you also find you experience no pip with other steroids? Also how is overall experience with Sustanon? Did you change injectiom frequency or you got along with it from the get go?
Good to hear and also it's nice that I'm not alone on this one. Do you also find you experience no pip with other steroids? Also how is overall experience with Sustanon? Did you change injectiom frequency or you got along with it from the get go?
Water based corticosteroids- like being hit with a hammer.
Other Anabolic gear - I'm currently using a local brand that doesn't share thier oil information but from my guess it's a mixture of organic oils and no pip even the dhb 0 pip but do get the lumps from it so in general 0 pip from other roids unless it's mct.
I opened a topic here when I decided to switch to sustanon and basically all I did is moved from twice a week (Monday,thursday) to 3 times a week (Monday,Wednesday,Friday) 0 pip 0 sides and let's say I hate ampules like if you give me a a free choice of pharma gear and ugl 10ml bottle I'd take the 10ml bottle every time BUT.. because aspen sust treats me well...
I guess this photo speaks for itself..
Water based corticosteroids- like being hit with a hammer.
Other Anabolic gear - I'm currently using a local brand that doesn't share thier oil information but from my guess it's a mixture of organic oils and no pip even the dhb 0 pip but do get the lumps from it so in general 0 pip from other roids unless it's mct.
I opened a topic here when I decided to switch to sustanon and basically all I did is moved from twice a week (Monday,thursday) to 3 times a week (Monday,Wednesday,Friday) 0 pip 0 sides and let's say I hate ampules like if you give me a a free choice of pharma gear and ugl 10ml bottle I'd take the 10ml bottle every time BUT.. because aspen sust treats me well...
I guess this photo speaks for itself..
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Hell yeah, the photo does speak because I do the same tedious task myself lmao. Takes about 10mins to do but once done its a good feeling to see it all in one vial, or several 10ml vials.

However the pip I can't relate with test e or test u or the sust. Pip with vitamin b complex or l-carnitine I can relate
Water based corticosteroids- like being hit with a hammer.
Other Anabolic gear - I'm currently using a local brand that doesn't share thier oil information but from my guess it's a mixture of organic oils and no pip even the dhb 0 pip but do get the lumps from it so in general 0 pip from other roids unless it's mct.
I opened a topic here when I decided to switch to sustanon and basically all I did is moved from twice a week (Monday,thursday) to 3 times a week (Monday,Wednesday,Friday) 0 pip 0 sides and let's say I hate ampules like if you give me a a free choice of pharma gear and ugl 10ml bottle I'd take the 10ml bottle every time BUT.. because aspen sust treats me well...
I guess this photo speaks for itself..
View attachment 264818
I´d do this with a 10 ml syringe instead, i also have empty sterile vials but i find the syringe more practical, the the rubber plunger affecting the oil in my experience is just BS and anecdotal since i have been doing it since 2017 with 0 issues.
If you respond well to prop and dont mind pinning eod? Like they say if it ant broke dont fix it. I had some what if a similar experience, I get pip from e not c , and I did a prop cycle once but it was fast acting mix prop mast and tren and I had zero pip felt like I was injecting pharma smooth as shit. I was worried about trying it when a freind gave it to me because I herd prop was do painful. Probably my best cycle ever.
I changed over to sustanon. Zero pip at 400mg per ml
But it has a small amount of guaiacol, less than 1%. Just a small amount of guaiacol for me means zero pip on just about everything.
You have some fun I see. Well, amps only suck if you need different dose than say a standard 250mg/week, as with 10ml vials it's way easier to adjust your dosage. But I see what you mean, it works well for you, then it's worth all the effort.

If you respond well to prop and dont mind pinning eod?
It does work and then it doesn't because I don't want to inject that frequently and the kick from prop I get after few hours after injection is making me feel on cycle, I have to time in my shit. For a cruise it's a bit too much, I believe I metabolize drugs faster than average person, I feel long esters kicking in faster than normal or at least what people on the internet say. But yeah for a cycle propionate rocks, if you don't mind every day administration.

I changed over to sustanon. Zero pip at 400mg per ml
But it has a small amount of guaiacol, less than 1%. Just a small amount of guaiacol for me means zero pip on just about everything.
That's interesting, I'm kinda tempted at trying Sustanon already, but I'm just a bit anxious due to bad experience with undecanoate which is super long ester, I had problems with estrogen even at 250mg/week, it's ridiculous as on Testo C I only pop like random 0.25mg of arimidex in case I feel estro symptoms. Undecanoate made me feel high on estrogen for some reason.

Sure without trying it out myself I can't say anything on how I'll respond. Decanoate longest ester is just 100mg of that total 250mg, so it might not be as problematic and also it's not crazy long as undec.
That's interesting, I'm kinda tempted at trying Sustanon already, but I'm just a bit anxious due to bad experience with undecanoate which is super long ester, I had problems with estrogen even at 250mg/week, it's ridiculous as on Testo C I only pop like random 0.25mg of arimidex in case I feel estro symptoms. Undecanoate made me feel high on estrogen for some reason.

Sure without trying it out myself I can't say anything on how I'll respond. Decanoate longest ester is just 100mg of that total 250mg, so it might not be as problematic and also it's not crazy long as undec.
I really have no idea why and I know for a fact that I'm not the only one but sustanon never never! Aggravated estrogenic sides in me even at 400mg a week without ai my e2 was around 380pmol and except slight acne and oily skin my nipples never itched or got swollen.. this is why I dropped ai with sustanon now also at 250mg I'm perfectly fine at around 220+ pmol e2 the only issue I get is aggression and short temper but this is only me yeah.. with e/c well fuck if I won't add ai and caber from time to time my BP goes up sex drive goes down I'm miserable as fk..
But then again you'll never know until you try it..
Just if you do try atleast getting yourself some pharma grade one so you'll know for a fact if it's for you or not as long as you are not allergic to nuts aspen oil is nut base..
Not talking about weird rare stuff like dhb, bold ace, inj orals and what not...

I have noticed that I only seem to get slight pip from either Testosterone C or E, no matter the carrier oil, lab, dosage, site, IM/SQ, whatever.
It's been always like this and I'm getting a bit tired of it, as I noticed I don't get any pip from prop, undecanoate and bunch of other steroids like tren ace, equipoise, deca and many others. It's not carrier oil issue or quality, you name it I have tried it (cotton seed, grape seed, mct, sesame, peach oil, miglyol, castor, arachis) none of it matters, as far as labs go again many of different and respectable ones including almighty Balkan pharma (BP) and their cousin SP labs. None give PIP except for Testo C or E.

I wouldn't bitch about it, but my plan is to cruise long term again and I think this pip is not just for nothing and no it's not that insane pip few years from test e we had either, it's just slight pip but noticeable. Been like this for years, I'm currently using testo c. Otherwise I respond well to either Testosterone.

Here I'm thinking, maybe I should give a try to Sustanon perhaps? As I respond not well to undecanoate due to estrogen control (yeah it's weird I know). With c or e I respond very well, but this pip thing is getting annoying over the years.

My only options are Sustanon and prop then, but prop and daily injections don't suit me at all. I'm really thinking about Sustanon. I hear some say they feel fine on 2x per week injections.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?
wow i thought i was the only one but i also get pip like a mfer from test cyp all the damn time why is this
For those of you that get pip from test e and/or c, do you also get pip from other compounds with the e or c ester as well?
Good to hear and also it's nice that I'm not alone on this one. Do you also find you experience no pip with other steroids? Also how is overall experience with Sustanon? Did you change injectiom frequency or you got along with it from the get go?
@lukiss96 Do you brew? If not it may be worth adding a very small amount of Guaiacol to your gear and recalculating the dosage based on add. This will in my experience kill PIP from Cyp at low dose concentrations. (Very mitigated even at 500mg/ml)

EDIT: Intentionally didn’t address E. Simply due to known issues
Not talking about weird rare stuff like dhb, bold ace, inj orals and what not...

I have noticed that I only seem to get slight pip from either Testosterone C or E, no matter the carrier oil, lab, dosage, site, IM/SQ, whatever.
It's been always like this and I'm getting a bit tired of it, as I noticed I don't get any pip from prop, undecanoate and bunch of other steroids like tren ace, equipoise, deca and many others. It's not carrier oil issue or quality, you name it I have tried it (cotton seed, grape seed, mct, sesame, peach oil, miglyol, castor, arachis) none of it matters, as far as labs go again many of different and respectable ones including almighty Balkan pharma (BP) and their cousin SP labs. None give PIP except for Testo C or E.

I wouldn't bitch about it, but my plan is to cruise long term again and I think this pip is not just for nothing and no it's not that insane pip few years from test e we had either, it's just slight pip but noticeable. Been like this for years, I'm currently using testo c. Otherwise I respond well to either Testosterone.

Here I'm thinking, maybe I should give a try to Sustanon perhaps? As I respond not well to undecanoate due to estrogen control (yeah it's weird I know). With c or e I respond very well, but this pip thing is getting annoying over the years.

My only options are Sustanon and prop then, but prop and daily injections don't suit me at all. I'm really thinking about Sustanon. I hear some say they feel fine on 2x per week injections.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?
In the two years I used sustanon 250 - the pharma version from Aspen - I never got pip. Ever.

My introduction to all this shit was 6 months prior: 3 months at a clinic doing legit TRT doses at 200 followed by 3 months going solo, using test C; around 500, like a fucking imbecile. And I always got pip, until I switched.

Do yourself a favor; save your valuable time drawing that garbage while losing the pip - go Sustanon. Just get the pharma crap.
I’d have thought you’d get more PIP from prop or suspension like most people but I guess just like everything else it’s very subjective, personally cyp rarely gives me any PIP at all but that’s pharma n I always do IM in the buttcheek so it’s probably also due to the zone itself, will have to start rotating to quads n other places but so far so good, imo the carrier oil n excipients are way more likely to cause PIP than the actual ester (although some find that enanthate gives them more than cypionate n propionate more than both of those n suspension more than that, so it does play a factor although I’d imagine that would be due to the difference in melting points and molecular structure)