Spaceman Spiff
Alot of people think they have a much stronger understanding because they can read abstracts of studies(not the real study) or they watch a MPMD video and they know wtf is going on. Still need a basis of understanding of medicine, health, and training.What I don't understand about steroid conversations is why there are so many people with zero experience who feel an unbearable need to jump in and speak like they're season veterans, using expensive language and giving advice to people about what they should and shouldn't be doing. I just don't get it at all. It makes filtering out the bullshit extremely frustrating. Maybe I'm in a mood today but I'm just getting sick of this shit.
I will always preach so many people overcomplicate shit. All these extra peptides, shit even hgh is just icing on the cake. And I love the GLP drugs.
Some of these people never even tried to improve themself as a natty so they don't understand how easy AAS make it. Just need to put the time and effort in.
Don't get me wrong, I love science, studies. I thrive on arguments because whether I am wrong, or right. There is a lot to learn from a informative debate.
In the end, people need to learn to say what they know and what they don't. It's ok to sit back and say "I don't know"