If your on TRT for life would you even need PCT? And Why?


New Member
I've done some research on this and I'm stumped. Giving your body a chance to run down so low seems like it may me counter productive. There are many health risk involved in letting you Tlevels( even if not your own) go so low as an 3-4 week PCT ,or more than that, would bring you. Anyone care to help with this. Thank you
TRT does not require a PCT, never has... probably never will.

Even with a PCT, you are only gonna bring back the test levels you considered low.
OK, lets say I was on a cycle for 6 months straight and my Hemacrit went up so I'm wanting to go back to my trt dose , but Ive started a PCT thinking of giving my system a break might be the right thing to do... would staying on the trt dose be right , or wrong? Thank you
but Ive started a pct

Not sure what you mean here. What specific PCT protocol would you be following? If you are still using your TRT dose it isn't like your natural levels will recover by doing that.

PCT is after you STOP taking exogenous test. Totally.

Otherwise you are simply doing blasts and cruises.
My history of use usually is 6-12 months on and then a few months off no PCT ever. After trying to have a child I found out my Level was at like 200. A year of HGC and also Clomid under a doctors care I couldn't get my levels to go up... So I went on TRT. I shot of cyp a week. Last year I started using on top of the TRT. My BP went crazy for a bit( its good now) and my hemacrit went very high.. So Ive tapered off and Started using HGC so I didnt crash and planned on running Nolva/ clomid for a few weeks before taking a test and starting my regular TRT dose back up? Now my guts been that why would I need the PCT if there wasnt anything to really restart anyway. Does this info help. I ask here because its an area I don't , but should know more about. Should I just keep on my TRT dose and stay what you call cruising? Thank you!
if your hema and BP are both good on the TRT dose with HCG then stay with that.

Or drop the HCG if you dont much care about nuts shriveling.

If fertility is still a concern then consult your doc and do what he tells you. Likely will be close to true PCT with no exogenous Test at all.
Thank you grey. I have an app at hemo in a coupkle weeks and it was 52 last time and I gave a pint so Im hoping IM in range now. The info is helpful. One last question? It should always be = time off so If I was going way beyond the TRT dose for 6 months I should go back to TRT for 6 months?
Youre over thinking this and sending your endocrine system on a roller coaster ride for nothing.

Youre obviously a candidate for TRT/HRT and should consider testosterone replacement as a permanent choice. If you choose to cycle, just add to your TRT protocol and enjoy your cycle. Instead of a recovery plan or PCT, simply return to your TRT protocol. Its that simple.

Dont forget to have bloods taken regularly and monitor BP to ensure a healthy endocrine system.
It isn't PCT but many on TRT (me included) do use HCG concurrently. I enjoy having standard size balls.
Also, have you noticed that being on HCG just makes you *feel* better? It always improves my mood a fair bit.
Also, have you noticed that being on HCG just makes you *feel* better? It always improves my mood a fair bit.
Ive always wondered if it was just me or just in my mind, but yeah, i feel terrific on hcg. Great moods , tons of energy and extra pep in my step.
have you noticed that being on HCG just makes you *feel* better?

I haven't but I am pretty sociopathic to begin with. In my case that generally means I feel pretty good all the time since I am effectively 95% of my own universe.
I haven't but I am pretty sociopathic to begin with. In my case that generally means I feel pretty good all the time since I am effectively 95% of my own universe.
Haha, I see, I see. Well it certainly makes me feel great!
it hcg helps that much I must get me some peanuts would like to look like walnuts again.
now that we are on topic. while on hcg
does it Help raise libido as well. I know it raises estrogen a bit.but does it level things out get our natural sorta working on cycle.I just basically need to get some the question is who's hcg and hmg. can you trust
I've done some research on this and I'm stumped. Giving your body a chance to run down so low seems like it may me counter productive. There are many health risk involved in letting you Tlevels( even if not your own) go so low as an 3-4 week PCT ,or more than that, would bring you. Anyone care to help with this. Thank you

Reasonable question really!

UNLIKE a prolonged interval of relatively low serum androgen levels (<150ng/dl of TT), a several week period of reduced serum TT will NOT result in any long term sequela.

Actually the greatest health risk from prolonged hypogonadism is the result of diminished TT to E-2 aromatization rather than an absolute reduction in serum testosterone itself.

Of course I'm not suggesting the TT level required for successful PCT is wo side effects, since we all know such is NOT the case at all!
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Reasonable question really!

UNLIKE a prolonged interval of relatively low serum androgen levels (<150ng/dl of TT), a several week period of reduced serum TT will NOT result in any long term sequela.

Actually the greatest health risk from prolonged hypogonadism is the result of diminished TT to E-2 aromatization rather than an absolute reduction in serum testosterone itself.

Of course I'm not suggesting the TT level required for successful PCT is wo side effects, since we all know such is NOT the case at all!
Im just cruising in between cycles on my trt dose. I just got back some bloods and other than high estro( which I'm dealing with) everything is good.