IGF 1 decrease with longterm HGH use


Let's get some experiences and numbers on the table. Studies (and experiences?) point towards IGF 1 numbers dropping crazy low after not even a year of daily HGH use.

The thing is, I get the impression that a lot of people in here are able to retain solid longterm IGF 1 numbers with daily HGH use.

What are people's actual real life experiences?
I don’t think it dips crazy low, but Type-IIX has a study somewhere in his posts showing igf1 downgrade after 6 months. I think it was like 20-30% less effective but it’s been awhile since I read it.

Yeah, that was it. But it's still on par with GH dose-dependent IGF-1 values.

You're still higher than baseline and we don't know much about long-term efficacy in a bodybuilding context other than all bodybuilders love GH.

Plus IGF-independent effects of GH may still be in play.
30% is a lot tho. Assuming 4 iu giving 400 IGF 1, that would put you below 300 after a while. Does this resonate with people's lab tests?