IGF1 blood tests for various HGH

I started HGH on March 1st of this year and been taking it every day since. Unfortunately I didn't get a baseline before I started. All tests were performed at the same time of day, same facility, and fasted. All tests had am injection of HGH before bloods. I split doses am/pm. Al three brands give me water retention and numbness in the hands when sleeping.

I started with Canada Peptides 100IU redtops. My first blood test came on 5/2 with a 420ng/mL. I started at 2IUs ed and worked my way up to 5IUs. I used 3 kits in total.

My second round was with Opti blacktops about halfway thru May at the same 5IUs ed. My second blood test on 6/9 came back with 359ng/mL. I only used one kit of these that lasted about 3 weeks.

I then moved on to QSC blue tops taking 6-8IUs ed. My third blood test on 7/26 came back with 288ng/mL. I have been using these since the about the beginning of June.

Not exactly thrilled with my last test while taking more than all the others. I did notice that my sleep has gotten worse since changing brands. It was a noticeable difference when starting HGH. Also I'm not tired during the day like I was previously. I used to nap every day while it never happens now. Not sure what to think here. Have about 80IUs left of the current blue top kit. I cant see buying more if this is the result.



Thanks for sharing. I’d been eyeballing QSC HGH. Think I’ll hold off
I was told that low IGF1 could be because I'm dieting. I'm told its pretty common. I've been dieting since mid February so its been a long time with lower results as Ive gotten leaner.

I still exhibit signs of the CTS and fulness associated with GH. Just bummed my numbers were going down. I will continue with the bluetops or even try the redtops. Prob more to do with me than the GH. I'll keep using it for now and keep updated with bloods. I take them every 8 weeks or sooner.
I was told that low IGF1 could be because I'm dieting. I'm told its pretty common. I've been dieting since mid February so its been a long time with lower results as Ive gotten leaner.

I still exhibit signs of the CTS and fulness associated with GH. Just bummed my numbers were going down. I will continue with the bluetops or even try the redtops. Prob more to do with me than the GH. I'll keep using it for now and keep updated with bloods. I take them every 8 weeks or sooner.
Did you take an additional blood test?

I’ve also been taking Qsc hgh 4iu ed and took a blood test. I will post when I have it.
I was told that low IGF1 could be because I'm dieting. I'm told its pretty common. I've been dieting since mid February so its been a long time with lower results as Ive gotten leaner.

I still exhibit signs of the CTS and fulness associated with GH. Just bummed my numbers were going down. I will continue with the bluetops or even try the redtops. Prob more to do with me than the GH. I'll keep using it for now and keep updated with bloods. I take them every 8 weeks or sooner.
if you eat lower carbs then this is the reason.
This doesn't really say much. HPLC gives way more accurate info on the quality of the product. To many other factors at play to judge the products based on your highly variable igf 1.
Can you clarify a little more on the testing protocol used. What time did you take the gh, how much, was subq or im and how many hours later was the blood drawn.

Interesting results I've heard that e2 plays a role in igf but they were saying that the lower e2 will lower igf1, seems to be opposite here
Can you clarify a little more about the testing protocol used. What time did you take the gh, how much, was subq or im and how many hours later was the blood drawn.

Interesting results I've heard that e2 plays a role in igf but they were saying that the lower e2 will lower igf1, seems to be opposite here
As promised here is the test results, 4iu ed split am/pm, 3.5 iu 3 hours prior to the blood draw, igf level is at 644


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