Important event while in PCT: how to avoid feeling shit? (1st cycle timing)


New Member
Hi guys!

What is your experience during the weeks of PCT? Going for 12 weeks test-e.
There is a week with important events for me mid April, and if I calculate right that's 15 weeks after start, 3 weeks after last pin and thus when my testosterone has dropped but before pct starts.

My cycle shall start begin January and will last 12 weeks on test-e 500mg / week. After last test-e pin I'll wait 4 weeks and start pct with nolva for 4 weeks. Running hcg during cycle up till pct. Running aromasin during cycle.

Can you share your experience how one feels in that time between last pin, pre pct during pct? Reading the boards it sounds like you feel weak and not-good.

I'd rather move, shorten, prolong, change my cycle than risk feeling shit, tired, without sex drive that week.

Thanks in advance!
Get pharma grade pct. I just become more of an asshole, sex drive goes down a little and a get more sore easier. Its not bad if you do it right.
I did the same cycle just test-cyp 500mgs a week and when I came off I thought I was using the right dosage for clomid but I wasn't I was using way to little but I was ok felt less energized but if you keep your food intake up you should be fine and keep hitting the weights hard even though you may not feel like it when your feeling shitty for a sec I threw so adex in there on pct to it did fine my sex drive went back up alittle so liked that, that's just my experience, hope all goes well bro!!!
This a critical time after cycle. This is where people fall off the wagon and lose weight fast this any signs of gainz.... As i tell people juicing is the easy part, recovery not so much. Most people will start pct 4 weeks after last pin. To me that sounds a bit too long because at that stage your test will be very low depending in your system. I started my pct at week 2 with nolva at 40mg a week. Stayed at 40 for 2 weeks then 20 then 10. I stopped my cycle at 5' 10" 230lbs. 19.5" arms. After pct i was sitting at 225 lbs. IMO 2-3 weeks is plenty.
This a critical time after cycle. This is where people fall off the wagon and lose weight fast this any signs of gainz.... As i tell people juicing is the easy part, recovery not so much. Most people will start pct 4 weeks after last pin. To me that sounds a bit too long because at that stage your test will be very low depending in your system. I started my pct at week 2 with nolva at 40mg a week. Stayed at 40 for 2 weeks then 20 then 10. I stopped my cycle at 5' 10" 230lbs. 19.5" arms. After pct i was sitting at 225 lbs. IMO 2-3 weeks is plenty.
Hey was u taking nolva everyday or once a week
Unless your special week in April revolves around your sex life, PCT is not gonna have you feeling like shit. If you still need to be an animal in the sack, why not just postpone your cycle a couple weeks? I find sex drive to be solid for about 2 weeks after last pin, week 3 it's time to break out the viagra.
I honestly started feeling the effects of low endogenous test 3 days before PCT started on my last cycle, but mileage will vary. Easy solution is to just run a longer cycle, or pin prop up until the day before you start PCT.