Incorporating Running to PPL Split


Well-known Member
Title says it but details below- Can I successfully do this and not have it interfere with my weight training? So in the past, I’ve spent a lot of training effort on running. (About 5 of the last 8 years). At that time, I was weighing about 185-190lbs at 5’11” and just keeping up lifting by doing full body 3x per week. I would run before each workout anywhere from 1-5 miles (typically 1-3 miles and once per week was 4-5 miles). Now I’m weighing about 202-205lbs and do PPL split with my main focus on getting bigger/stronger and maintaining leanness. However, I’ve set a new expectation for myself that I would also like to get good at running again. I don’t want to run more than 1-2 miles 3-4x per week. I just want to improve my mile time really and increase overall endurance.
Yes you can, i run 2 miles each workout, i will try to increase at 3 miles as soon as i can

( im 5'9 205lbs 10% )
I’ve started incorporating running a mile this week. Legs very sore at first. Let’s see how this goes