Never enhanced before. Am I good to go?


New Member
Hi Guys

I'm wanting to go ahead with a first timer Test only cycle.

Some basic background on me:
52 years old
6 feet 1 inch tall
175 pounds
Bodyfat around 13% and abs are visible

I'm on the skinnier side and you wouldn't think I lifted if you looked at me.

For the past last two years I've been lifting 5 days per week (with fairly poor results), followed by treadmill runs which total up to 25-30 miles per week.
Haven't drunk, smoked or taken recreational drugs for the last 15 years.

2024.04.29 Optimale Results 01.jpg
2024.04.29 Optimale Results 02.jpg
Due to the abnormal readings above, I received some feedback and questions along with the above test results. These are in bold, followed by what would be my answers:

"Your neutrophils are low which is common when your body is fighting Infection/inflammation"
I believe this is due to me having chronic and ongoing gastritis for the last 5 years which has destroyed my sleep.

"Your urea levels are raised. Do you supplement with creatine? Eat a high protein diet?
Yes to both.

"Your cholesterol/lipids are raised. Did you test in a fasted state?"
Yes, I did fast for the test and my diet is clean with no junk. I do have a history of poor cholesterol readings and have always been puzzled as to what causes this.

Would you guys who know far better than me say I'm relatively safe to go ahead? Any input would be appreciated as I'm here to learn and do things as safely as I can.

Thanks in advance.
If you are skinny and want to gain weight why are you running so much. That is counter productive. Stimulating the AMPK pathway tends to shut down the mTOR pathway. Plus weight gain is about the calories ingested. And when you are burning a bunch growth can't happen.
Thank you for the reply.

Maybe 'skinny' wasn't the greatest word choice. Athletic would have been a better word and I look more like someone who runs over someone who lifts weights.

I've spent quite a few years lifting on and off since I was a teen without any aerobic stuff and was never able to add that much in the way of muscle. Whenever I've added calories I just seem to get fatter.

I only began running just over a year ago to increase my feeling of fitness after hitting 50 and feeling to sedentary. It has worked well in that respect, apart from some creaky joints! In regards to me adding muscle, the running hasn't had any effect either way.

I'm planning on a sensible, low dose Test C cycle with everything remaining the same and wanted to make sure as best as possible that I avoid making some rookie mistakes by having some baseline readings that I could reference if things go south.