Experience of Generic HGH to Pharma Serostim.

Spaceman is throwing a serostim party, and all of meso is invited.

In all seriousness, I'm jealous. How does serostim compare to genotropin?
Genos suck compared to Serostim. Used them a couple times years ago, and made me flat, just didn't care for them at all, and they were legit from US pharmacy.
But dude!!! You could have ran pretty much 30 ius a day of generic for the same price? Thats 2 ius every 1 hour! While awake!
I could have done alot more generic if I really wanted to. I have no problem being able to run 10iu of hgh a day if I chose to go down that road
thanks for the report.
on a kit of 100IU vs serostim 100IU what price difference are we talking for 2IU increase generics and 100igf decrease. via your blood work you posted.
same experience for me.
Humatrope and jintropin compared to generics is a big difference.
i also liked genos more but prefer the 2 mentioned above pharmas.
omnitrope, saizen and cinnatropin were not better than generics for me though.
Since i run around 16iu daily i can not afford the pharma route, else i would.
i still have some pharma hgh kits though so when summer time comes ill probably use some of them :D
Y’all pushing such high doses have me super tempted lol.

I'm in zero position to give advice on this, but I work with my hands (9-5) plus hobbies like guitar, and I worked up to a vial of GH a day (10-12 IU?). I like the benefits of GH and the CTS doesn't impact my life. It's mild/tolerable.

*edit: I've never experienced any effects on sleep, positive or negative.
I'm in zero position to give advice on this, but I work with my hands (9-5) plus hobbies like guitar, and I worked up to a vial of GH a day (10-12 IU?). I like the benefits of GH and the CTS doesn't impact my life. It's mild/tolerable.

*edit: I've never experienced any effects on sleep, positive or negative.
The only thing holding me back is blood glucose bs. I got to 5iu just fine, no remarkable sides, beyond noticing my rhr and hrv got pretty shitty, like 1/2 - 2/3 my normal level. It’s not great for my sleep but shot timing seemed to mitigate it mostly. I noticed it got extra bad when my diet wasn’t great, but not even terrible just a decent burger with cheese and fries made me feel just off. I doubled down on my blood sugar testing and realized it was getting kinda shitty and I’d have to institute something like berberine (didn’t like), metformin (gf assured me I wouldn’t like because I’m a pussy for things that make me queasy), or glp-1 (see previous answer). Besides that I fucking loved it. Was hoping to push it higher. I cycled off hgh after like 2 months at 5iu and 4 months titrating up to that dose beforehand. I was back at blood glucose baseline in like 6 weeks, so I’m less worried in the future. I’m about to cycle back on and going to be lock on cardio and super clean eating to see if I can take 5iu or above without supplementing other drugs. I would love to see the mental and physical impact at a vial a day.
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I’ve ran a ton of pharma and a ton of generics. I can’t help but get somewhat of a placebo effect when I run pharma just due to the higher price point and allure behind it.

Having said that, personally, I’ve never pulled a higher IGF or looked better than when I run high dose generics. I don’t even like my clients to seek out pharma hgh due to the higher likelihood of a faked product. Generics all the way for me.

The serostim packaging is too detailed to fake for a comfortable profit. The vial tops have tiny laser ingraved QR codes for example.

Unless you’re a fool sero is one you can pretty much bank on being genuine.

Liska has a write up about how to spot fake HGH, it’s all by packaging. Genos and cinnatronpin etc are faked much more