Test mast ratio


New Member
Hey guys, currently on 300mg test e with 300mg mast e. I’ve used mast before only as a trt add on at 75mg with 150mg test. Feeling great mentally for the most part, got this calm and confident feeling also feel so unbothered by bullshit. The problem is it’s made me a bit of an emotional robot and a lot less affectionate which my gf has picked up on. Almost the complete opposite of how tren and nand makes me feel. I do need an ai on just test so I decided to start at 1:1 but I’m wondering if this could be because the ratio of mast to test is too high? My e2 came back at 53 pg/ml, from what I’ve read mast won’t directly lower e2 just reduce its expression so I’m not really sure what to do with that number.
53 pg/ml is in the perfect spot. Far away from high E2 sides or low.

Ideally, the Testosterone dose should be equal or slightly higher than the Masteron dose in order to not experience low nor high estrogen levels.

In your case you don't need an AI, but not everyone is same, in my case for example on 500 Test with 500 Mast my E2 went up to 93 pg/ml.
Emotional robot and calm feeling is the exact way I describe nandrolone for me. You sure you have Masteron? Mast is usually a feel good steroid. It's like I turned the volume up 1 notch on my testosterone. I feel a little better and have a little more energy and don't want to sit still. If your e2 is 52 it's perfect. I like mine a little higher around 80 personally.
I usually run low test high mast without any problems. Mast makes me feel great. Good mood, good energy, wicked sex drive, enhanced cosmetic effects. I don't get any negative sides from it all

53 e2 is still technically in the normal range, but on the higher side of the normal range i believe. You might just need to get your e2 dialed in a little bit and it should hopefully improve the feeling you're experiencing? As others stated some like theirs on the higher end, I personally like mine on the lower end for various reasons. Have to figure out what works best for you and makes you feel best.

Never experienced emotional dullness from masteron either, but it could be an individualized response? Assuming it is in fact masteron you're taking. It usually has the opposite effect for most people where it increases that wellbeing feeling
Titrate test a little lower and up the masteron a little higher. Whatever you drop your test up your masteron to get your e2 around 40 and see how you feel.
Emotional robot and calm feeling is the exact way I describe nandrolone for me. You sure you have Masteron? Mast is usually a feel good steroid. It's like I turned the volume up 1 notch on my testosterone. I feel a little better and have a little more energy and don't want to sit still. If your e2 is 52 it's perfect. I like mine a little higher around 80 personally.
Done multiple cycles of nand and used tren once both of which seem to amplify my emotions. Have tried two different brands of mast both felt the same so I assume it’s legit.
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Hey guys, currently on 300mg test e with 300mg mast e. I’ve used mast before only as a trt add on at 75mg with 150mg test. Feeling great mentally for the most part, got this calm and confident feeling also feel so unbothered by bullshit. The problem is it’s made me a bit of an emotional robot and a lot less affectionate which my gf has picked up on. Almost the complete opposite of how tren and nand makes me feel. I do need an ai on just test so I decided to start at 1:1 but I’m wondering if this could be because the ratio of mast to test is too high? My e2 came back at 53 pg/ml, from what I’ve read mast won’t directly lower e2 just reduce its expression so I’m not really sure what to do with that number.
Your E2 is fine.

What did total test and free test come back at ?
Agreed but he may want his test levels higher. Just as easy to take an Ai.
its possible but i think anything test can do anabolic wise mast can do (although it wont aromatize if thats what youre after) i think finding the sweet spot for test takes some trial and error then compound the masteron on top after finding that testosterone sweet spot is an intelligent way to go about it. i like keeping e2 in reference ranges personally. especially if i start noticing mental sides
So from what I’ve read mast won’t actually lower e2 but its expression of it. My understanding is that u can have low e2 symptoms with e2 in the normal range so I’m wondering if my e2 on paper is even relevant?
its possible but i think anything test can do anabolic wise mast can do (although it wont aromatize if thats what youre after) i think finding the sweet spot for test takes some trial and error then compound the masteron on top after finding that testosterone sweet spot is an intelligent way to go about it. i like keeping e2 in reference ranges personally. especially if i start noticing mental sides
Have you tried this approach yet? I know John jewitt and Todd lee have been talking about it lately but that's just two people out of so many that say it's not anabolic. I'm debating whether to try it my next cycle or do high test/low mast and use primo or AI to keep e2 down
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Have you tried this approach yet? I know John jewitt and Todd lee have been talking about it lately but that's just two people out of so many that say it's not anabolic. I'm debating whether to try it my next cycle or do high test/low mast and use primo or AI to keep e2 down

I'm doing it now but only since the end of Feb on cruise. In the past I run mast with other stuff so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.
Have you tried this approach yet? I know John jewitt and Todd lee have been talking about it lately but that's just two people out of so many that say it's not anabolic. I'm debating whether to try it my next cycle or do high test/low mast and use primo or AI to keep e2 down
Recently it seems Todd Lee has had a falling out with Kurt Havens and them guys. I know in pretty much every video Todd makes now he goes on about masteron being superior to primo or other anabolics for that matter. I'm simply gonna try out the low test high masteron theory for myself. Pretty much anyone else like Kurt Haven's, Dean St Mart, justin Harris, Vig Steve I think or any of that group will say masteron is pretty much useless or trash lol. I think mainly because it hasn't been studied and because it hasn't been studied as vigorously as primo or other anabolics they are quick too throw it in the trash.


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