Increase female fertility (at home)


New Member
How can women increase their fertility to increase quality of eggs and carry a pregnancy to term?

Background: The wife and I are in IVF fertility treatment but the region we live in (EU) is very conservative when it comes to medications.
The governmental clinics here recommend taking absolutely NOTHING during treatment.

But having studied this subject for some months it seems in the US at least, the largest chain of fertility clinics recommend at range of supplements.

The recommendations in the US include things like:

Prenatals with folate, Q10, NAC, etc etc.

Hormone or prohormones:
- FSH and LH stimulants. This is what are used in all fertility treatments around the world.
- DHEA @ 3x25mg daily
- Testosterone, in the form of androgel. I've read quite a few women mention 12.5mg daily but not sure for how long.
- HGH to increase egg quality.

Now this is just a starting point.

I would love to get the help of the experts in hormones here to write a protocol for fertility treatment in cases not being able get doctors to prescribe meds and/or can't afford pharma quality.

This could also help people in poorer countries or just poorer people in general that can't afford IVF treatment to have a higher chance of pregnancy.

I know hormones are very complex and tricky, and even more so with females and fertility, but is there is a way to design a protocol for women to help them get pregnant naturally?

In our case, the male factor is moderate (moderate DNA fragmentation but a lot of good "soldiers" in general).

Unfortunately we've realized that low egg quality is one of the largest factors in lack of pregnancies.

We've read that up to 90% of eggs are abnormal at the age of 40 so even in IVF the chance is insanely low (don't quote me on that though).

If there are any discussions on this issue on this platform, please help me find them as I couldn't find them doing my own search on female fertility.

My own suggestion for a protocol to be used by people that can't get the help of a clinic or doctor, and at the same time being very affordable, would be this:

- 3x25mg DHEA daily
- 100mg pregnenolone daily (to get some progesterone ad well.. and hopefully some estrogen?)
- 200mcg sublingual testosterone E (according to the recipe in Roger Mason's book Testosterone Is Your Friend)

But would the above protocol have enough estrogen for someone who's low in all those hormones? My wife has middle of the range DHEA, and almost undetectable estrogen and finally 15ng/dl of testosterone (ref 50-90).

Edits: More details and added photo of female hormonal cycles.
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