infinitylabs test reports (Janoshik)

I just left the conversation. He can't message me anymore.

ROFL. People will know you are a liar
Bro bullfucking shit @infinitylab

Not only did @Rido variance test 3 diffetent caps which are on the spot mg for mg what you posted. But there is a unique key verifier code at the bottom of each jano report. It is undeniable that you posted his test and claimed as your own.

You should be banned.
My customer purchased some tablets from me
He said he would send them for testing and I asked him for the reports,
Dude enough with the bullshit. You make tablets. Rido makes capsules and CCUSA makes oral suspensions. You stole reports and now you’re blaming a customer. You won’t make a single sale on this board. Editing lab reports and stealing them shows what kind of person you are.

Those two red mosaic reports were indeed stolen.
The rest is true
I request the administrator to delete that two report or this thread.
I failed to go to Jan's official website to identify the two reports in person. It was my mistake, and I will admit it.