Inflation and EEEVery business out there just has to get the piece and stick it to ya...


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The biggest disappointment is Coke and Pepsi not only that I like them but that they are market makers gone MARKET ROBBERS. How they justify that pricing is outlandish and could not be explained if they had to. And people are paying it. You want a stock tip from the BBC? Buy coke and pepsi now before quarterly earnings come out. They will be Earthshattering... The truth with the soft drink companies could be that its time for that once in a while production infrastruction expansion and they are passing that on. It may be the truth of all this. So don't mortgage the house on that pick as these earnings may already be spent. Still would it matter in terms of Market perspective.? Earnings are earnings. At least they are supposed to be... You really need to break out the microscope on their books at this time...

Grocery store prices NEVER FUKING COME DOWN EITHER... Who can afford that shit really. The wealthy and those on Food Stamps. And thats it. So they just dont give a shit about the middle class now if not in fact trying to destroy us once and for all which BTW is the death of a nation. The Biden Administration too inept to see the damnB writing on the wall. Its gross negligence and a failure to address PRICE GOUGING.... And you really have to wonder who is behind it all. But why prices are not being frozen is beyond me.

My Hat is off to McDonalds and Burger King as they are towing the line for Americans and the world alike. They also happen to be the proof that all the insane price gouging is not necc... I have to put a hold on those stocks however, as folks have learned the way of buying only the burger. Who needs all the soda and shitty fries anyway. hell I am not even sure if there are Potatoes in BK fries anymore...

Gas prices are almost manageable but diesel is still off the charts what kind of horse shit that is and this always goes down like this is a huge lie and excuse to artificial inflation.. Yea right they cant get the ships in to port while BootyJuice is home with his new purple haired to be baby in the making. First of all maternity leave is for biological mothers the make milk and carried the baby. Secondly in case he hasn't heard THERE'S A GOD DAMN RECESSION ON bordering on quickly going off the cliff to full on DEPRESSION. He could at least get off his ass and go in half days, or work from home considering hes the fuking head of dept of transportation. Is his hubby not capable of raising the baby? I guess that makes Booty the woman in the deal. BUT THE TRUTH IS THAT HE IS GROSSLY INCOMPETENT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS ADMINISTRATION. Oh what? he is back to work with his exorbitant salary?? So he's just another incompetent Kamala prop.... Go figure..

NONE OF THIS MAKES A BIT OF SENSE but only that this management generation that had to sit there and watch the original Home Depot Stock Owning Employees take the mega money and run a decade ago greedily jumped at the first opportunity that came along the STEAL AND PILLAGE... Its so disgusting to see the current big business management so sour that their generation did not get to take part in the stock party mega millions. They are just spiteful and completely inept every one of them..

This was all just a round about way to get corporate profits up for a first in a while big hike and its gone out of control. Classic democrat incompetence... They can't even fulfill their economic role as downturn management. Just unbelievable. In essence the federal govt is being ass raped by corporate America as most likely they are so damnd incompetent that they cant even manage a grocery store much less a county. I mean grow some ballz and apply them where you should F'ing IDIOTs...

And Americans are so damnb stupid not only allowing this to happen, but being tricked into encouraging and support it all. I say "Americans" because we are the butt of the world's joke about now. US CITIZENS should be taking more action and not be such a bunch of STUPID BUFFOONS that they are. Just remarkable dumb on levels.... And if you don't realize the US govt is basically retarded and should be riding to work on the short bus, you are an idiot too... Biden cow tailing to Saudis when he should know oil production was already maxed out. And before that beggin the Iranians all to get the response of a missle attack as an answer. I mean L..... THE FUCK..... O.... L.......! And those blithering idiots cutting the keystone as a first move in office. Just.... It just screams of a massive set up for corporate profiteering ..... And no one has a lick of sense to see it much less call it for what it is.. But after all, anyone capable is in on the money grab... Yea print some more money assholes... And then hire a bazillion IRS agents to raise PINHEAD straight from hell and send everyone over the fuking edge. Great thinking..


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Its something much deeper than "price gouging". It's the Federal Reserve in combination with congressional spending. The congress spends and spends, with no regard for the national debt, and the Federal Reserve prints the money out of thin air to buy the debt.

When there is a sudden increase in the supply of money, the dollar becomes more devalued. So your dollar buys less. This is why "prices" rise.

Let's understand this simple economic principle first before we move on to anything else. Prices are rising because of our fiat monetary system in this country.
Its something much deeper than "price gouging". It's the Federal Reserve in combination with congressional spending. The congress spends and spends, with no regard for the national debt, and the Federal Reserve prints the money out of thin air to buy the debt.

When there is a sudden increase in the supply of money, the dollar becomes more devalued. So your dollar buys less. This is why "prices" rise.

Let's understand this simple economic principle first before we move on to anything else. Prices are rising because of our fiat monetary system in this country.
Yea, and being a finance guy of sorts, I have been pondering this latest round of "Inflation" over recent years and coined it "Artificial" in nature. While the net result is indeed real, the FUNDAMENTAL CAUSES ARE CLEARLY BEING INTENTIONALLY GENERATED...

In terms of Fiat money its difficult for folks to understand what you just said. So to rephrase.... WHEN PEOPLE HAVE MONEY THEY CAN BUY MORE. THE SELLERS SIMPLY SAY "Well, I must not be charging enough.. Then as all their inventory supply runs out, they remodel with higher pricing"....

"Fiat" being that money is simply printed out of thin air thus exacerbating the above described conditions. Fiat currency is basically a new term incepted in the 90's as the US Bond market failed which was the last asset used to balance a US Dollar. The bond marker was essentially the final paving of the road to Fiat Currency. So we went to having to pay with gold to print dollars. To paying with Silver to print dollars. To paying with Bond Sales to print dollars. To now pretty much writing I.O.U.s .... LOL....

The funniest part of the scam is that its a race to acquire products and goods from outside sources with these devaluing dollars. Because the goods have actual tangible value thus rooted in the old barter system. And when you consider we buy China's assets with these dollars, the inflation is really not incurred at that point. China gets a second swing with the dollars still yet retaining the value they were employed at. Then they go to shit. So you ask yourself again WHY IS IT that we buy all our shit from China.. Don't worry China does it too. In fact, it would not surprise me if china were printing US Dollars since they counterfeit everything else..
sorry I can't read that long post you may need meds no offense, but for the most part right. Communism, marxism, leftist policies, trying to make everyone equal, life sucks in a marxist society. only when the us government gets what they have coming will it ever be better. the marxist pigs are in power and their useful idiots cheer them on
sorry I can't read that long post you may need meds no offense, but for the most part right. Communism, marxism, leftist policies, trying to make everyone equal, life sucks in a marxist society. only when the us government gets what they have coming will it ever be better. the marxist pigs are in power and their useful idiots cheer them on
Which one...? Lol

Well you guys need to make up your mindz.. Either I need meds or I don't.. WHICH IS IT!!!:p

On yer post we can be agreed...

Many times folks forget that WE LIVE IN A REPUBLIC....

re·pub·lic /rəˈpəblik/
  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
      a group with a certain equality between its members.
      "the community of scholars and the republic of learning"
Unfortunately ours has become corrupted in this EXPERIMENT called The United States of America.... It is being manipulated to serve a limited few in power politically, socially, and corporately, and SURPISINGLY by outside evil forces with agendas not necessarily of the people for which it STANDz... It is safe to say at this time that we have been compromised... And actually I believe EVERYONE Knows it and that everything happening is an elaborate screen to smoke them out. But call me an optimist... And it is of the utmost importance to go to WHATEVER LENGTH we must go to identify, destroy, and make sure that these forces never worm their way in again... Else all is lost and the greatest social model the in history as the first of it's kind ends... That's 2 steps back for the world potentially and we have come too far to fail......

And YES there have been some hiccups in the past. But we ARE moving past that so lets not dwell on the learning curve of fear and ignorance.

Now that is all my opinion on good objective day. I will reserve my hateful version at this time...
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sorry I can't read that long post you may need meds no offense, but for the most part right. Communism, marxism, leftist policies, trying to make everyone equal, life sucks in a marxist society. only when the us government gets what they have coming will it ever be better. the marxist pigs are in power and their useful idiots cheer them on
Lol dude Marxists are not in power right now. We have had decades and decades of politics and politicians slidingbfurther and further rightm what uses to be centrist is now left wing. And what used to be far right is just regular right.

Look at the tax brackets over the last 100 years and look at the wealth gap. that says it all right there.

Communism doesn't work for the same reason our American republican and other actual democracies don't work: the people who want to be in power are almost always corrupt shitbags that are driven by green. Good people don't get into politics lol

We haven't had an ACTUAL liberal president in decades. The fact is that is we REDUCED the wealth gap everyone would be better off and the US would be in a much better place in the world. But instead we are losing our talent to a shitty, underfunded education system, a bloated military and higher education system, and offshore jobs to make a country thay is simply going to be the rich and the poor. Or if you want trump to be the king/dictator like he wants to be, then we can go allll the way back to the nobles and the serf system.

Meanwhile the left has been hijacked by people who think gender rights are the most important issue in the world.

But really both sides are just squabbling to pander to their bases getting to keep us divided so they can keep the rich rich and getting richer.

I don't get why it is such a crazy idea to tax earnings over 1 million dollars at 50% or over 2 million at 75%. Like wtf, those people will STILL be rich, they will STILL be able to have an incredible house and nice cars, but oh maybe they won't be able to buy a 50 million dollar yacht. Who gives a shit?- if that money puts people through school and rids us of the homeless problem and fights climate change and gives teachers benefits etc , then that's well worth it. Call me a radical socialist all you want I dont care. That isn't socialism. people still get financially rewarded for working hard.bthey can still make millions, but maybe let's make it harder to be a billionaire and a little easier to "lift yourself up by your bootstraps". People do work hard as fuck and they gonowhere and have no hope.
I think that if the founding fathers came back for a couple months they would be so sad to see what has happened. They would be like "why haven't you updated the constitution more? This thing wasn't meant to last FOREVER."

Raise taxes, create new tax brackets for very high kncomes AND capital gains and a specific tax for hedge funds and shit.

Completely ban the selling of water rights go any private entity. Water is a public resource.

Make lobbying illegal. Carve out campaign donations based off taxpayer funds. Disallow political ads on TV and radio and shit. Politicians debate the issues and have 10-15 minutes to answer and explain their policies, not this 3 minutes bullshit where they can't even answer the question in the time.

Stop states from competing to provide the bigget tax incentives to companies who open offices there. They make states compete and bend over backwards and fuck them in the ass, goading them with the jobz and the taxez they'll provide.

Drastically cut the overhead and middle management in hospitals, utilities, and schools. Drastically cut executive salaries and bonuses. They can still make millions, but not THAT much.

Make stock buybacks illegal it is price manipulation, and was previously illegal.

Make olden parachutes illegal

Decriminalize drugs entirely

Tax junk and fast food and soda and candy then use that to reduce the price of healthy foods with a direct subsidy on healthy foods and subsidies for farmers to grow more diverse crops and use regenerative and organic farming methods.

Use the money to increase budgets for schools, healthcare (although we may not even need it if we incentive people to eat healthy and diabetes and shit reduces), dental care. Put more money into water treatment to reduce the chemicals and shit in drinking water. This should reduce the mental and physical health issues like cancer other GI issues. I also expect we'd see the trans debate go sway and less homosexual people. I'm not saying either of these are morally wrong but the fact is chemicals affect puberty and development which ffects sexual orientation and gender identity.

Also let's change out education system to make stuff like classic reading (Shakespeare and stuff) optional and encourage kids to take personal finance classes and stuff.

That's not an exhaustive list but it'd a start. We have a lot of potential but the wealth gap and greed is destroying us.
some of the stuff you suggested is good to tax dirty food and make cheap food heathier? that is against supply and demand and crazy. some people can be lean eating shit and healthy, why punish them? why punish businesses that make money and create jobs?

I believe in social Darwinism. if someone wants to eat fast food and become a fat fuck good for them, when I go to interview for a job and they do and they get laughed at and not hired for being a fat fuck, better for me

why make drugs legal but tax heavily fast food? drugs are more harmful. let people destroy themselves.
rich people aren't going to sit around and get half their money taken, they will move to other countries, take their businesses with them. then America will be left with all the 15 dollar an hour minimum wage earning fucks. millionaires aren't going to live in a country and start businesses that punishes them for making money. and to all the poor people, they should be poor. Its not hard to not be poor, the first thing they have to do is stop taking 9 month shits
rich people aren't going to sit around and get half their money taken, they will move to other countries, take their businesses with them. then America will be left with all the 15 dollar an hour minimum wage earning fucks. millionaires aren't going to live in a country and start businesses that punishes them for making money. and to all the poor people, they should be poor. Its not hard to not be poor, the first thing they have to do is stop taking 9 month shitt

They used to do it and they were still rich as fuck. They just want to keep the status quo..

They aewnt PUNISHED for making money. They still make a ton of money. Just more of it would go towards making the country a better place.

"To all the poor people they should be poor."

Have you no empathy? Have you never met a person whobwas struggling and thought they deserved better? Do you not think paying our teachers and cops better, and investing in education would not be good?

The free market doesn't work. All it does is open uo massive hol we a for exploitation. We think inflation is bad now...a free market would make it water worse. Monopolies would grow even larger, stifling innovation and continuing to ship jobs overseas.

I urge you to reread my post and really consider what I wrote. Don't allow your gut reaction to take over...
teachers better pay? they make 60k for 10 months work. what else could they do to make that? what other job with their skills and IQ? its a laboring job, not a job that needs skill or smart. teachers are low skilled, work hard, and make a damn good hourly wage and have great benefits and can hardly be fired. then on top of that, they knew what they were getting into. they chose that job, why? because it pays better than any other job they could get they aren't smart enough to be a doctor or lawyer and don't want to work for 20 an hour in a supermarket so they found a happy medium

teachers make plenty the problem is schools are understaffed

the problem is inflation because minim wage is jacked up, unions make companies pay shitty lazy workers too much so prices go up, or the goods ar made over seas

don't give me that "empathy" bullshit. I have empathy for a girl thats been raped, a child abused, a man who found out his mom has cancer, I have empathy.

I don't give a fat flying fuck about people who sit around and smoke weed and drink on their porch and can't hold a job or think McDonalds or a grocery store is a career and then get a $800 dollar EBT card and reduced housing each month then bitch and call themselves "poor" when people in Africa and Indonesia are actually poor and starving and can't eat unlike these "poor" fantasies who bitch about being "poor" on their 600 dollar phone paid for by my tax dollars
The problem I see is that there is an actual dissection of the middle class occurring at this point and it is starting to become segmented. The upper middle class scraping that 286K tax bracket or whatever it is these days, and the lower which accounts for about 80% of it making a grand 100k annual income combined the same. And there is also a very small portion of middle class making 150K combined incomes in marital families.. That's not enough these days and these people are not going to survive this paying SIX FUCKING DOLLARS FOR BUTTER.... The only middle class that can sustain what is occurring is those with the two family income making a combined 150K give or take. And they are the ones eating it that it is current destroying. The rest of us lower middle class cant afford to gas out cars right now... And they sure cant afford this the scenario where both of them are having to work to make a combined 100k and raise a family as it becomes a real question as to whether one should just stay home considering the cost of daycare and baby sitters...

MAke no mistake there are COUNTLESS families living on a BUST ASS 60-75k total income and they are fucking flat out drowning and WILL FAIL OUT to become the poor...

I'm not even starting in on this COMPLETELY RETARDED STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT. For fux sake.... The dumbest shit ever done in the history of the country.. A TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE OF IDIOTIC DEMOCRATIC SPRINkLE MONEY ON THE PEOPLE MIS-ALLOCATION OF FUNDS PERSONIFIED... This is where demodorks fail every fukking time with the exception that this incompetent administration is doing it in all new fashion. The truth of that matter is they are just feeding the banks thru the people. The penalties and rates they have been charging and outright pillage of the latest rounds of RE-fies is ABSURD. Banks are arbitrarily tacking on 20K penalties the Gen X student loans now just like 80's loan sharks. They wont ever get a penny from those people as they will remain in hardship forbearance till they are dead. So its stupid. And it also demonstrates how the banks are holding the govt hostage and extorting action out of them because all told the 10k forgiveness just gives the crooked banks more money to take, and just not as a govt. function now. Those crooks ALWAYS get their money in fees up front regardless.. Its all disturbing as shit...
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I know this will sound a bit improper. But you can denote that even prior Bush administrations have done it. But if our govt had any sense and inkling of a backbone, they would be going after companies for GOUGING and FINING THEM. inclusive of Oil and gas. They should be putting PRICE FREEZES in place NOW. But that's not the plan. The plan is the democrat way of getting corporations a bigger bottom line, which is that this will all settle out as a 10-15% record inflation new baseline when all is said and done. ANd make no mistake the corporations are muscling the govt and politicians and putting the fear in them. Its the corporations that the people need to put in check as a society. They have just taken too much power over govt at this time...

There is a plan alright. But when you apply Kamelface and the inept Biden Administration with it all it quickly goes to shit even as sorry as it is...
Bla bla bla we get it you hate government, prob living off the system on disability and need your opioids. Get a life pussy
It must be rough knowing you were picked from the trash can your mommy put you in. We should all have some more care and concern for 34 as he is clearly wronged from the birth he was not intended to celebrate... I know.... Its alright. Let it all out... But WAIT. I didn't think BOTS were born yet?? Maybe next week I will take the long overdue time and make you a little brother... :)
finingcokmpanies,, price limits? LOL. this is not the answer. you are right Joe and the whore are trash but liberal policies are not the answer. the answer is more competition, make it easier to own a business, run a business, not all these labor laws. let companies operate at low costs, no minimum wage laws, money wasted on HR, allow people to start. business and compete. under cut their competition and force prices down
one thing ive ealized

Americans hate businesses. Who made your car? You hate them. Who made your food? You hate them. Where did you buy your gym bag? You hate them. Who made the plates at your gym, the treadmill? FUCK THEM RICH FUCKERS!




fucking clown world. without business we would be a third world country. without the poor, your taxes would be lower and there would be less crime, less robbery, less assaults, less rapes, prices would be lower, less inflation



every human is equal, that doctor that performed surgery and said your sick grandmother is no better than the crackhead rapist running around Chicago wearing his crips bandanna. THEY ARE EQUAL GOD DAMNIT, WE ARE ALL EQUAL.. EQUALITY FOR THE WIN..
