injectable B12


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I understand that it's a vitamin and people probably respond the same, if not very similar, but I would like to hear your experiences with injectable B12.
I ask because when I take oral vitamins I dont feel, nor do I see, any difference whatsoever. Maybe it's just me lol :rolleyes:
So anyway back to the topic of injectable B12
Recommend or no?
What has been your personal experience with it?
I had some problems with B12 before and none of the oral vitamins pills nor liquid helped. The injections however had a noticeble effect! Better mood, more energy to get up in the morning and go through your day.It definitely is noticeable for me.
I think that problems with vitamins shoul'd better be resolved with diet changes but i still use it when i feel that i am feeling not as good and it helps.
Bump.... Seeing B12 mentioned more often lately. I too am curious to hear people's experiences.