Injectable oil cardarine

This one is in oil, I prefer it anyway I hate shit in water to inject IM so easy to get infections

Look up water soluble vs oil soluble.

I don't know what you mean by water is easy to get infections either. B12, carnitine, other amino acids are typically water soluble.

Never seen carnitine in oil
This one is in oil, I prefer it anyway I hate shit in water to inject IM so easy to get infections

Have you even tried it orally, before thinking to inject it?
And what are you taking it for, anyway?

You are on Gear+ nebivolol/bp meds + what else? Cholesterol stuff?
Just curious, to make sense

Look up water soluble vs oil soluble.

I don't know what you mean by water is easy to get infections either. B12, carnitine, other amino acids are typically water soluble.

Never seen carnitine in oil
Go inject winstrol in water and let me know how great is it and how easy it is go get an infection from it.
It is theorized that water is a far better substrate for harboring bacteria than oil. And it makes sense really.
Exactly, I have seen plenty of horror story of injecting substances in water IM and get abscess from it.
Have you even tried it orally, before thinking to inject it?
And what are you taking it for, anyway?

You are on Gear+ nebivolol/bp meds + what else? Cholesterol stuff?
Just curious, to make sense
My cholesterol is perfect, don't need any meds about it.

I was curious to try it so I bought a bit of it, there was a very nice promo with QSC of oil carnitine and so i said why not trying it

Injected 0.5ml in glute. Smooth as butter for now and not even remotely any PIP for now, will report back tomorrow.

Cardarine injectable it's said to have better bioavailability and the price was super cheap so why not

Look up water soluble vs oil soluble.

I don't know what you mean by water is easy to get infections either. B12, carnitine, other amino acids are typically water soluble.

Never seen carnitine in oil
Btw this is not carnitine buddy, it's CARDARINE AKA GW501516
Cardarine has good oral bio availability really
yeah i know but it had a great price I was curious to try it xD
I don't really think it's really superior in anyway, probably more an hassle then anything else as you need to inject it every day but still a new experience I like it
yeah i know but it had a great price I was curious to try it xD
I don't really think it's really superior in anyway, probably more an hassle then anything else as you need to inject it every day but still a new experience I like it
It should be a good addition to inj preworkout like sdrol or tne or methyltren :p

