Injectable Orals


Well-known Member
Looking for anecdotal experiences with injectable versions of traditionally oral AAS.

For eg. Dbol, tbol, anadrol, winstrol, anavar. Particularly interested if anyone has used injectable versions of the less hepatoxic orals such as tbol and anavar.

Difference in side effects, dosage protocols, and actual performance enhancement differences.

There's only one lab afaik that offers lab tested injectable orals on the steroid underground - pharmaqo.

My recent negative experience with oral tbol has peaked my interest in injectable orals. Loss of appetite, constant stomach cramping and extreme lethargy forced me to drop it after only 2 weeks.
Injectable winstrol, shit is crazy no other way to say it...

Strength and aggression was insane, I was very dry even on 750mg testosterone (enanthate + propionate), appetite was fine unlike oral version and it is noticeably stronger than oral as I've used both.

On the downside as with winstrol oral it makes you flat and you still feel unhealthy on it. But overall it was great and unexpected. But I wouldn't do it again, just too much aggression for me from dhts these days.
Injectable winstrol, shit is crazy no other way to say it...

Strength and aggression was insane, I was very dry even on 750mg testosterone (enanthate + propionate), appetite was fine unlike oral version and it is noticeably stronger than oral as I've used both.

On the downside as with winstrol oral it makes you flat and you still feel unhealthy on it. But overall it was great and unexpected. But I wouldn't do it again, just too much aggression for me from dhts these days.

This is good to hear. Did you have any issues with stomach pains or lethargy that is otherwise common with the oral version?

What was your dosing protocol?

Trying injectable Winstrol for the first time now. My joints hurt, but I'm a fan otherwise. Trimming up nicely.

How's your appetite and digestive system?
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This is good to hear. Did you have any issues with stomach pains or lethargy that is otherwise common with the oral version?

What was your dosing protocol?

How's your appetite and digestive system?
Appetite is pretty suppressed. I think that's a little of the Tren and Anavar though...
Injectable is faster and feels stronger and more intense.

Appetite was way better than oral and no pains joint, stomach etc. Some cramping due to electrolyte imbalance and calve pumps when running.

Dosing was 50mg/day so 1ml/day it was suspension not oil though, so maybe oil is different I can't say.