Enclophime 12.5mg EOD as test base for oral cycle


Does anyone have experience with enclomiphene (not clomid) as test base for a cycle with orals such as anadrol/anavar/tbol/dbol?

So far i've only seen anecdotal experiences (and bloodwork) from Sarms only users: one had 900ng/dl total test at week 4 of S23+ LGD3303 +LGD4033 (which is a very fucking suppressive Sarm cycle, since S23 was literally designed to suppress FSH production as a male contraceptive - and he also used a bit of Tbol).
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/sarmssourcetalk/comments/dt0ztx/s23_3303_4033_blood_work_no_test_base/

I'm guessing anavar and tbol should be fine in decent doses as these tend not be very suppressive.

Also, to my surprise, found out that anadrol presents very low levels of suppression: over 6 months of 100 mg daily anadrol administrations, male patients got their total T reduced by only 60% (and part of it is just substantially lower SBHG levels)
Source:Effect of Oral Anabolic Steroid on Muscle Strength and Muscle Growth in Hemodialysis Patients

Dbol seems to me the most suppressive out of the bunch from studies.

Sidenotes: Yes, i'm aware that hcg+test exists. I've done it on a past cycle with hcg 250ui EOD, test 250/week + anavar 50mg . Storing and carrying hcg is extremely burdensome if i'm not at home for more than 3 days and i wanna keep my balls big and LH production running. Also want to explore the possibility of having my hpta running during cycle to provide a smooth cycle exit.

What i'm planing on trying to do (will post bloods 4-6 weeks in): Enclomiphene 12.5mg EOD + RAD140 7.5mg ED sublingual + anadrol 50mg pre-workout 2-3x week+ dbol 5mg 2xED sublingual + 12.5 anavar 2xED sublingual
With TUDCA + NAC + Choline to support this shitfest obviously

Ur gonna get suppressed but suppression is not the enemy.

Skip the enclo (it will be clomid) (and will make you cry like a girl), take dbol at 5mg per day. Run it for however long, then come off. You will feel like shit for a day or two then feel back to normal. Suppression is a myth you can always restore natural function unless you are 80yo

EDIT: what the fuck you are running like 5 orals and with dbol what the fuck is the point in taking clomid? Guarantee you the enclo is clomid I’ve been there done that cried like a bitch. (Also dbol wont work sublingual like anavar would, you need the methyalation for the happy euphoric fuckwit effect) Also why the fuck are you taking 50Mg anadrol with anavar what the fuck is the point if anything run your shityy drol with 5mg dbol and call it a day
Ur gonna get suppressed but suppression is not the enemy.

Skip the enclo (it will be clomid) (and will make you cry like a girl), take dbol at 5mg per day. Run it for however long, then come off. You will feel like shit for a day or two then feel back to normal. Suppression is a myth you can always restore natural function unless you are 80yo

EDIT: what the fuck you are running like 5 orals and with dbol what the fuck is the point in taking clomid? Guarantee you the enclo is clomid I’ve been there done that cried like a bitch. (Also dbol wont work sublingual like anavar would, you need the methyalation for the happy euphoric fuckwit effect) Also why the fuck are you taking 50Mg anadrol with anavar what the fuck is the point if anything run your shityy drol with 5mg dbol and call it a day
I'm with you on the clomid stuff, most rodent studies show SERMs decrease testosterone, I believe it was mainly due to ruined steroidogenic enzyme making pregnenolone. The fact that they kill certsin estrogen dependent cancers... cause mitochondrial dysfunction doesn't sound appealing either. When they only can prevent suppression caused by estrogen, but not if your suppression is caused by androgens. Estrogenic signaling in the hypothalamus and pituitary is fucking important for anabolism too so you're right saying
what the fuck is the point in taking clomid

But I disagree about your dbol thing. If there was one compound abused that makes man>beast>man-boob-weakling it is dbol.
Any aromatisable compound if taken at doses enough for performance enhancement is calable of making gyno depending on your aromatase rate. You still need PCT even for 5mg or highly risk developing gyno. All science in the world is broscience because the human body is too complex to ever understand every process going on. I'm not that experienced relative to many members here, from what I understand steroids (obviously estrogens) as well as nandrolone and even some DHT derivatives like winstrol (multiple studies) stimulate testicular aromatase activity, that's probably the reason why many get gyno coming off steroids, I thought when you come off with low T you have low substrate to build estrogen from but obviously people still get moobs although most of these use aromatasing compound, it is not just the accumulation of estrogens or progesterone agonism, but EVEN SOME DHT DERIVATIVES stimulate aromatase activity.

Bazedoxifene I only saw studies on women, could be actually what enclo is promised to do. But again other than not having zuclomiphene, it still has mostly the same side effect profile, mitochondrial dysfunction like any serm causes, fucked steroidogneic enzymes, etc. Except no known risk of fast onset endometrial/prostate, liver and pancreas cancer like other SERMs. And it doesn't reverse androgen mediated suppression.
Update boys:
Did a cycle with Enclo as base during the winter (only remembered about this post now).
It was +- 12.5 mg enclo EOD, and then mixture of low dose shit (was trying not to crash HPTA): 5 mg RAD 140 ED, Anavar 10 mg (pre), Anadrol 50 mg (pre 2x week), Dbol 10 mg(pre). +- 3 month (can't remember exact duration)

Got some gains but nothing special compared to what I got from 10 week 300 mg/week test + 40 mg anavar (pre) in the past (probably was winstrol instead of anavar, judging by the hair sheding I got).

And when we consider my bloodwork I took 2 weeks before before ending, it was a fucking disaster. See screenshot
For context, my regular bloodwork of cycle is 870 ng/dl T, in range ALT , 55 HDL, 80 LDL. I have no fucking how it went so bad on the cholesterol (ALT and T I can somewhat understand).
At least somehow my E2 was actually ideal (which I have no idea how it's possible with 200 T). I was probably at ~18% BF, so I guess I aromatize a lot (which actually justifies my natural gyno).
Overall was feeling overall good, soo the bloodwork really did come as a surprise.

Anyways I'm pinning now, and was here looking for comments on a source for more raloxifene for my fucking gyno :)

Hope this was helpful to anyone looking for answers on this.



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Dose and duration. You're taking things to shut down your hpta. It's been said steroids start working the minute they're administered at any dose. Low dose will prolong this but there is too many variables to consider person to person so there is no control variable.

This isn't a sarms and enclo forum, ie reddit. The enclo will NOT prevent steroids or prohormones from doing what they do. Aka hpta shut down.

You either take a lower dose and mess with you system or take a higher dose and think your system will recover. The more times you play with this, the more you may not recover.

