I brewed injectable Proviron at 25mg/ml with 618mg BB and 354mg MCT oil with 25mg Proviron, and it's already crashing by the end of the day. What can I use to keep it warm enough as I planned to pin 2x a day and one of those times would be when I'm out and about? Is there anything I can buy to keep it warm enough to stay stable? Was even thinking of putting an electric hand warmer inside a thermos with it but any suggestions are welcome.
Also, is it common to get PIP from injectable Proviron? I pinned 2.5mg (0.1ml) subq earlier and I got a fairly high amount of pip. Not unbearable by any means, but I wanted to make sure it's not abnormal.
Also, is it common to get PIP from injectable Proviron? I pinned 2.5mg (0.1ml) subq earlier and I got a fairly high amount of pip. Not unbearable by any means, but I wanted to make sure it's not abnormal.