@Axle Labs
Hello, so I injected your Test C - 200mg about 2 days ago and I still have PIP from it. I injected only 75mg using an 27g 1/2 slin pin.
I’ve previously used pharma grade test from a clinic with much larger needles - 25g 1 inch needles and never had PIP, I believe carrier was grapeseed.
Any idea why I’m having pip, especially with a smaller needle. I’ve always injected delts and never had issue.
Batch is #011 with MCT carrier oil.
I’d also like to add that the oil smell like a leathery peppermint type smell or maybe it’s a pine like smell. I thought MCT is odorless.
I then searched “peppermint” in this thread and I saw that you mentioned that’s guaiacol smells like that for a user that was injecting Andadrol.
Any other members have any experience? With the 200mg Test C? I only injected 37.5 units very slowly and I still have PIP from Monday.
I’ll try injecting again Thursday, but would like some reassurance. I really don’t want to inject something toxic. I did look at the test testing results for Batch 011 and I see G wasn’t detected. So, what am I smelling and why is the PIP so bad?