Injecting into a vein?

I always imagine dr Jim as a very brazen and rash version of Sheldon from the Big Bang theory, who seems to have the answers but doesn't always understand the context in which its asked.
No argument here in his vast knowledge. Sometimes it's good to joke around! :p
Considering the context (thread) in which such a question was posed my presumptious response was appropriate, unless you believe ANY pill is administered ANALLY, lol!

To that end, it's not my error select folk have difficulty expressing themselves in a more effective manner to ensure "contextual" issues are not simply a subject of one's interpretation.
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I wish you'd teach me how to pin, Dr. Jim. I thought about just closing my eyes and jab the needle in. Jk jk :p

"Fun" goodness Devika, what are you a glutton for punishment, lol!

But if your serious post up, to ensure you receive the appropriate info gal.

Fun" goodness Devika, what are you a glutton for punishment, lol!

I am a bit of a masochist :oops:

Tbh, I haven't even purchased the pins I'll be using for my next cycle in Aug.
so far I know I gotta use insulin syringes to be able to get a more accurate reading.

Is there any down sides to doing injections subq?
I've nicked a vein twice pinning my trt dose into my delt. Aspirated both times. Wasn't a real big deal just a little coughing and some lung tightness but it's over quick. I've had too much trouble trying to reach glutes and quads make me nervous.
I am a bit of a masochist :oops:

Tbh, I haven't even purchased the pins I'll be using for my next cycle in Aug.
so far I know I gotta use insulin syringes to be able to get a more accurate reading.

Is there any down sides to doing injections subq?

I'm not sure if you'll be able to pull the oil through a insulin syringe my insulin syringes are so tiny I have to even draw it back slow or to much air gets in the syringe.

The only downside it will take longer to absorb into your muscle and you may notice a lump under your skin until it all dissipates.
I am a bit of a masochist :oops:

Is there any down sides to doing injections subq?

A more accurate reading? I suppose a slin pin would be best for very low dosages (5-10mg)

The data is limited to TRT yet I suspect there are some differences in absorption once the volume exceeds 1 ml.

Why? Bc blood flow to muscle far exceeds that of fat.

For this reason a sub-dermal injection is actually much preferred, as the med is placed just underneath the dermis, rather than into fatty tissue.

But for TRT range dosing it's fine IMO.
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A more accurate reading? I suppose a slin pin would be best for very low dosages (5-10mg)

There are likely some differences in absorption once the volume exceeds 1 ml.

But for TRT range dosing it's fine IMO.
I've yet to try subq. The idea of a lump for a couple of days bothers me. I have a rather physical job and I guess I'm afraid of bumping it and oil leaking out:oops:...that sounds really retarded but thats how it keeps playing out in my mind:rolleyes:. In your experience what's the average amount of time it takes to absorb and is the inner thigh ok to do subq?
I've yet to try subq. The idea of a lump for a couple of days bothers me. I have a rather physical job and I guess I'm afraid of bumping it and oil leaking out:oops:...that sounds really retarded but thats how it keeps playing out in my mind:rolleyes:. In your experience what's the average amount of time it takes to absorb and is the inner thigh ok to do subq?

The lump won't be that serious depending on how much you inject and it should only be visible if any at all for no more then a few hours. I'm unsure on the amount of time it would take to absorb each body will be different but I'm sure someone knows a base estimate they could throw out there. And as far as bumping something and it leaking out that shouldn't be a issue, you would have to slice the skin as if you had a large cyst that needed to be cut and then drained. With the thicker liquid you might also feel a slight pressure underneath the skin until it all settles and disperses under the skin. The inner thigh should work well or even in the hip right above where a glute shot would go around your pants line. The lower stomach is also another good place for subq shots for insulin not sure on steroids but there is a lot of veins around the belly button so always do it about 3 inches away to the left or right.
The lump won't be that serious depending on how much you inject and it should only be visible if any at all for no more then a few hours. I'm unsure on the amount of time it would take to absorb each body will be different but I'm sure someone knows a base estimate they could throw out there. And as far as bumping something and it leaking out that shouldn't be a issue, you would have to slice the skin as if you had a large cyst that needed to be cut and then drained. With the thicker liquid you might also feel a slight pressure underneath the skin until it all settles and disperses under the skin. The inner thigh should work well or even in the hip right above where a glute shot would go around your pants line. The lower stomach is also another good place for subq shots for insulin not sure on steroids but there is a lot of veins around the belly button so always do it about 3 inches away to the left or right.
Oooh! A steroid cyst. That would be bad
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The lump won't be that serious depending on how much you inject and it should only be visible if any at all for no more then a few hours. I'm unsure on the amount of time it would take to absorb each body will be different but I'm sure someone knows a base estimate they could throw out there. And as far as bumping something and it leaking out that shouldn't be a issue, you would have to slice the skin as if you had a large cyst that needed to be cut and then drained. With the thicker liquid you might also feel a slight pressure underneath the skin until it all settles and disperses under the skin. The inner thigh should work well or even in the hip right above where a glute shot would go around your pants line. The lower stomach is also another good place for subq shots for insulin not sure on steroids but there is a lot of veins around the belly button so always do it about 3 inches away to the left or right.
Kinda sounds like a sterile abscess. I think I'm just going to stick with IM.
Kinda sounds like a sterile abscess. I think I'm just going to stick with IM.

It's no kind of cyst or abscess(maybe a type of abscess but not infection) just with IM injections you can't notice it because it's much deeper but right underneath the skin it's much more obvious, that steroid has to go somewhere so it pushes the skin out a little. It's something that goes away on it's own once the steroid is absorbed/disperses a little. I've had it happen twice in the 7 years I've had my diabetes but with insulin it's a much smaller amount we're talking 10-25 units so 25 units of insulin would only equal to 0.25ml of steroid(I think my math is correct).
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Kinda sounds like a sterile abscess. I think I'm just going to stick with IM.

With a few exceptions the dose Devika or those on TRT would require are much less on a weekly basis than for those cycling AAS and for this reason I don't recommend "slining" for males running AAS.

But IM "hurts more Doc" no shit but even our lady friend Devika,
is looking forward to the "fun", so man up or don't cycle.
I've yet to try subq. The idea of a lump for a couple of days bothers me. I have a rather physical job and I guess I'm afraid of bumping it and oil leaking out:oops:...that sounds really retarded but thats how it keeps playing out in my mind:rolleyes:. In your experience what's the average amount of time it takes to absorb and is the inner thigh ok to do subq?

Nothing is going to leak out from a lump if you bump it.
With a few exceptions the dose Devika or those on TRT would require are much less on a weekly basis than for those cycling AAS and for this reason I don't recommend "slining" for males running AAS.

But IM "hurts more Doc" no shit but even our lady friend Devika,
is looking forward to the "fun", so man up or don't cycle.

I say nay nay IM doesn't hurt more the most pain I've ever gotten was from using a Slin pin to inject my TNE and apparently I was fatter then I thought it didn't get to the muscle and I was burning like the dickens! I'm thinking jugular would be a good one to try next though I've basically hit all the other no-no spots.

(That last part was entirely sarcasm I wouldn't inject straight into the jugular unless it was with the stuff that made captain America which I hope your working on developing dr.jim)
I use a 27 G slin needle to inject all my aas.

23 g to pull out of vial.

Takes a little longer to get the plunger pushed down, but zero pain.

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Ok I just need to hear this from you. I've asked my wife who is a PA but she just doesn't seem confident in her answer so now I'm asking you. I do glute injections and ALWAYS aspirate but there are still times when I taste/smell the oil/alcohol and even get the urges to cough because of what it does to the lungs. I'm guessing this happens because as the oil spreads in the muscle it will sometimes find a vein that was opened by the needle on insertion? I don't know but this isn't even my "main" concern, I have just accepted that it happens sometimes. My main concern is whether or not the oil that enters a vein Is wasted since it is no longer intramuscular and test is released slowly from the muscle at the injection site. So Dr. Jim, Does test oil that finds a vein and is no longer in the muscle just wasted and the hormone does not get released into the body as it should? Thank you in a advanced.
Ok I just need to hear this from you. I've asked my wife who is a PA but she just doesn't seem confident in her answer so now I'm asking you. I do glute injections and ALWAYS aspirate but there are still times when I taste/smell the oil/alcohol and even get the urges to cough because of what it does to the lungs. I'm guessing this happens because as the oil spreads in the muscle it will sometimes find a vein that was opened by the needle on insertion? I don't know but this isn't even my "main" concern, I have just accepted that it happens sometimes. My main concern is whether or not the oil that enters a vein Is wasted since it is no longer intramuscular and test is released slowly from the muscle at the injection site. So Dr. Jim, Does test oil that finds a vein and is no longer in the muscle just wasted and the hormone does not get released into the body as it should? Thank you in a advanced.
The body absorbs everything, it just gets used faster... It is not a waste and the trace amount that might be absorb from a small nick in the vein isn't taking away from what you jabbed in your body.

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Ok I just need to hear this from you. I've asked my wife who is a PA but she just doesn't seem confident in her answer so now I'm asking you. I do glute injections and ALWAYS aspirate but there are still times when I taste/smell the oil/alcohol and even get the urges to cough because of what it does to the lungs. I'm guessing this happens because as the oil spreads in the muscle it will sometimes find a vein that was opened by the needle on insertion? I don't know but this isn't even my "main" concern, I have just accepted that it happens sometimes. My main concern is whether or not the oil that enters a vein Is wasted since it is no longer intramuscular and test is released slowly from the muscle at the injection site. So Dr. Jim, Does test oil that finds a vein and is no longer in the muscle just wasted and the hormone does not get released into the body as it should? Thank you in a advanced.
Oil is not waisted if injected into a vein
Edit: you don't need to reinject
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