Insulin on deloads?

So we don't use insulin on rest days. Do we stop or lower dose on deloads? Or we want to keep shuttling nutrients while growing in recovery?

I lift 6x a week hard, train BJJ 6-7 days a week, do a few other physical activities and man I just need a deload but I always push through it, but sometimes I gotta do like 3 days of reduced volume, same weight or something.
So we don't use insulin on rest days. Do we stop or lower dose on deloads? Or we want to keep shuttling nutrients while growing in recovery?

I lift 6x a week hard, train BJJ 6-7 days a week, do a few other physical activities and man I just need a deload but I always push through it, but sometimes I gotta do like 3 days of reduced volume, same weight or something.

Man you have a lot of moving parts there. Is a deload like bedrest? or fidgeting/walking/sneaking in some exercise because you can't resist

What are your goals pertaining to insulin use? Bodybuilding? Physical fitness & 6-pack abs?

Those details might be small fish.
I'd call rest days rest, deload just reduced training. My sleep is getting affected as and it's been about 5-6 weeks of this so I think I need a deload.

Goals with insulin is just gains, physical fitness and all. I'm on a minor cut/recomp on it just running 10iu. My diet is dialed in pretty exact, under 10% bf.