INSULIn testing

Shoot it and take an isulin test.

I have no first hand experience. I just assumed there's a test to test for insulin levels in you're body for diabetic reasong
Since recombinant insulin is identical to endogenous slin there is no test that can differentiate bt the two.

Sound familiar? Yep even though the WADA lists slin supp as being a banned
there really is no viable test available to detect cheaters.

A similar situation occurs with GH testing.
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If it's pharma, it's good. I've never seen someone counterfeit pharma slin....
There is a test to detect slin levels sure but it's very unlikely to help dc it does NOT differentiate bt endo and exo production
It can be purchased at a pharmacy I heard that but didn't no It was true was just gonna try a place I usually use. How do I ask for it at a pharmacy
Wow it's that easy
Yep. I have only went to wal mart to do it. Then they usually offer you some pins too. I have tried to just buy the pins without the slin and was turned down. I mean insulin is a life or death kinda drug. That is why they did away with prescriptions for it. But they will only give you the generic kind. And no log forms.
Yup, just go into walmart and ask for Novlin-R at the pharmacy. They aren't allowed to question you. Novlin-r is a fast acting insulin and a lot of people go with it simply because it can be bought over the counter. I typically use Humalog, which is a rapid acting insulin. Humalog has a faster onset and leaves the system faster.