Interested in Ment/Trest run

Been running 500/500 test/dhb with good results last blast and curious to try something with more oomph. I've run tren at 280mg with usually 500test, I've done primo before too. I see a lot of varying reports on it.

I was thinking of running like 250mg test with 25mg daily trest. It seems like an AI is recommended, so I was thinking of primo (i had to run test 2x as high as primo even 500/1g just to make sure e2 wasnt below 20) but I could also use DHB which reduces my estrogen too, just not as much. Normally need 12.5mg of asin once or so a week with 500mg test solo, but like 500test/500dhb and I don't need any AI and am at a good level with bloods, around 40.

Anyways thanks. And I should take 100mg of p5p a day on it too?
I did a 6 week run of Ment earlier this year with TRT Test 220/wk and HCG. Titrated up to 35/day the last week. Went super smooth. Didn't really get any bad sides and didn't need as much AI as I expected. I started too high on the AI and was actually to bring it down to 1mg Adex a week maybe 1.5mg. Didn't need caber either but good to have on hand. I did use p5p at 300mg split throughout the day. You have to start the P5P before the ment, it's useless once prolactin is high.
I actually just started a 17 week Test 550/wk blast and am going to finish with Ment for the last 6 weeks. Also throwing in mast the last half to help with e2 since with test at 550 it could be a whole different ball game with the ment
Just me, but prolactin never goes up on MENT usually it tops out once I'm off.

I've run it 200mg acetate and 300mg enanthate, bloodwork shows prolactin at reference during blast then maybe 30 points over when I stop.

Fun drug, just weird how it affects everyone differently.
do it. you will not be disapionted if you want more kick ment will kick your ass that shit is very powerful drug you dont need much and be ready to get some bigger shirts cuz youre guna need em. dose looks good. AI is important your going to need it. You know what youre doing. enjoy. also it gives you this high feeling almost like dbol. i love ment. as far as primo, add it fuck it
"TRT" test cyp at approx 200mg/wk
Primo at 350/wk
Ment at 15mg daily.
All 3 are injected 7x a week. One full slin pin daily, backloaded
Love the results, big and rounded. Just have AI, Ralox, BP med like Telmisartan available.
Does ment affect your HB/HKR?
When I ran 25-35mg Ment a day w my TRT my hematocrit and hemoglobin went down from where they usually are with just TRT. I tested 4 days after stopping Ment. My ldl and total cholesterol was also the lowest it's ever been in my life w my hdl the same usual high but I am on crestor daily.
Why do I need ralox? Wouldn't asin be good enough?

I have telmisartan around.

I'll try 200/200 test/primo with 25mg ment to start I guess.
Asin is good but Ment can be a gyno bomb and the dosages of AI some people need is extreme with it. You want the ralox on hand esp if it's your first time and you don't know how you react to ment. Then you can run it as soon as you get any gyno symptoms. I mean some people say they're taking 1mg of Asin a day where I was down to 0.5mg 2x a week of Asin. It just hits everyone different.
How long are you planning on running this cycle with ment for?
When I ran 25-35mg Ment a day w my TRT my hematocrit and hemoglobin went down from where they usually are with just TRT. I tested 4 days after stopping Ment. My ldl and total cholesterol was also the lowest it's ever been in my life w my hdl the same usual high but I am on crestor daily.

Asin is good but Ment can be a gyno bomb and the dosages of AI some people need is extreme with it. You want the ralox on hand esp if it's your first time and you don't know how you react to ment. Then you can run it as soon as you get any gyno symptoms. I mean some people say they're taking 1mg of Asin a day where I was down to 0.5mg 2x a week of Asin. It just hits everyone different.
How long are you planning on running this cycle with ment for?

Hm maybe a few months, I was on 250test/450 primo with 50mg trest and I started having low e2 symptoms (drier skin, eye poop, super sleepy and tired a lot) so I've dropped primo to 175mg and that's pretty much been my AI.

Taking p5p 300mg every day.
Ran 350mg of trest a week for a while, got really big and strong and gained a lot. Great stuff, no sides, increased sex drive. I think I ran TRT test and some DHB with it or something I don't exactly remember my AIs and stuff, maybe some caber.

But my bloodwork showed just fine e2 and prolactin, I didn't need to take any ancillaries on that cycle. My lipids got shot but you know, that's blasting for you.
Ran 350mg of trest a week for a while, got really big and strong and gained a lot. Great stuff, no sides, increased sex drive. I think I ran TRT test and some DHB with it or something I don't exactly remember my AIs and stuff, maybe some caber.

But my bloodwork showed just fine e2 and prolactin, I didn't need to take any ancillaries on that cycle. My lipids got shot but you know, that's blasting for you.
If 100mg trest were more wide-spread I'd run it as well. My blast was similar to yours, effects and all only I'm more in a perpetual lean-bulk (only 300-400kcal over maintenance) to stay close to my weight class if I compete again.

I showed my bloodwork on Twitch both times I blasted MENT in high doses, same with lipids but all else was pretty good.
do it. you will not be disapionted if you want more kick ment will kick your ass that shit is very powerful drug you dont need much and be ready to get some bigger shirts cuz youre guna need em. dose looks good. AI is important your going to need it. You know what youre doing. enjoy. also it gives you this high feeling almost like dbol. i love ment. as far as primo, add it fuck it
I must say you have me sold of MENT now haha.. Think I will be making a purchase very soon haha
My experience.
I ran 150 test, 600 primo, 35 daily MENT and I crashed. I upped the test and added some hcg to compensate more.

I didn't experience any high e2 stuff until 50 ED.
If I take 60mg ralox with my ment and test will I avoid titties?

Plan is 1200 test cyp week, 15mg trest ace ED, 60mg ralox ED, 8iu hgh
It's not instant, if you've run test that high with no issues MENT won't magically cause that to change especially at that low a dose. For mitigation 30mg ralox is fine, for shrinking lumps 60mg daily for 12 days followed by 30mg for 12 days will work.


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