International HGH price comparison

A blind test is a blind test it doesn’t matter who conducted it,Is the HGH sold by me? Yes. Do I share fake Janoshik reports? No. So I don’t understand why you don’t consider it a blind test. Very strange. A blind test is a blind test, regardless of who performs it. I’m offering 20 blind tests for free. If you want to conduct one yourself, please let me know. I don’t think anyone else has offered 20 free blind tests in meso , but if someone has, let me know please

Thank you
Meant to ask… is dimer and shipping included in reimbursement???
In another thread, I said it also counted if it was a member from another board, so someone could go there to confirm it. Does that fly here?

"Established board member" - does that just mean not a new member? Why, so a source can't create new alt accounts to post what are supposed to be blind customer tests? Seems high risk low reward (for a source).
Sure, if its a member from SST, ProM, etc. that should be good enough.

If the blind test gets posted by a new member with like 4 posts, then it could easily be the vendor himself. So in that case, we cannot simply assume that the test was in fact blind. Clearly, the more established a board member (think someone like Sampei or Spaceman Spiff), the more credible the test results.
My friend, I have hundreds of customers who are not members of Meso but found me through Meso and purchased from me. If one of these customers buys my product and conducts a blind test, why is it not considered a blind test? I don’t understand this.

Does every customer who buys from me have to be a Meso member with 100+ posts for the test to be considered valid? That makes no sense to me. You really need to reconsider this approach.
They might be using the same raw material, but the lyophilization and filling process, along with storage and shipping conditions may differ, which in turn can impact purity and API content per vial.

The production facility and batch are the same. Right now, I’m manufacturing and shipping from only one country. If that weren’t the case, I wouldn’t be giving you this answer. As I said, the batch I produce is the same as the Turkey, USA, and EU domestics

Thanks for understanding
The production facility and batch are the same. Right now, I’m manufacturing and shipping from only one country. If that weren’t the case, I wouldn’t be giving you this answer. As I said, the batch I produce is the same as the Turkey, USA, and EU domestics

Thanks for understanding
OK thanks for the info. So this is the product that is lyophilized by you in Turkey, rather the one that is lyophilized by a third party in China. I will update the table in the coming days.
OK thanks for the info. So this is the product that is lyophilized by you in Turkey, rather the one that is lyophilized by a third party in China. I will update the table in the coming days.
See the vacuum vs inert gas discussion in Lobster's thread as well. He wouldn't provide more color but my takeaway was he uses vacuum prior to sealing rather than inert gas backfill that's used with pharma product.
Lobster hgh blind test new


This blind test belongs to someone in this website .Anyone who doesn’t believe what I’m saying can go to this site and search for the test result


If someone can prove on the forum that I conducted a fake blind test, they can earn 5k$. It’s enough for them to prove it on the forum. I think its good deal
My friend, I have hundreds of customers who are not members of Meso but found me through Meso and purchased from me. If one of these customers buys my product and conducts a blind test, why is it not considered a blind test? I don’t understand this.

Does every customer who buys from me have to be a Meso member with 100+ posts for the test to be considered valid? That makes no sense to me. You really need to reconsider this approach.
The point is this: we need to be able to verify, with a reasonable degree of confidence, that the test was in fact performed by a customer, and not the source, or a friend or business partner of the source.

Such verification can only happen if an established user of some discussion board sends in the blind test. Since otherwise, we simply have to take the source's word for it that it's a blind test by a customer. And that would defeat the purpose of the blind testing.

This is not against you in any way. I believe that you are telling the truth about it being a true blind test from a customer. But we need to establish an follow some basic rules regarding what constitutes a blind test, since otherwise, the determination would be highly subjective.
This blind test belongs to someone in this website .Anyone who doesn’t believe what I’m saying can go to this site and search for the test result


If someone can prove on the forum that I conducted a fake blind test, they can earn 5k$. It’s enough for them to prove it on the forum. I think its good deal
I searched the forum in question, and found these 2 relevant threads. But in neither of them could I find a user posting those test results.

My friend, I have hundreds of customers who are not members of Meso but found me through Meso and purchased from me. If one of these customers buys my product and conducts a blind test, why is it not considered a blind test? I don’t understand this.

Does every customer who buys from me have to be a Meso member with 100+ posts for the test to be considered valid? That makes no sense to me. You really need to reconsider this approach.

It's fine dude. No worries. Would just be nice if the blind customer test was reported by the member. That's all.

Fwiw, I don't think a source would risk getting caught by creating multiple alt accounts for this.
It's fine dude. No worries. Would just be nice if the blind customer test was reported by the member. That's all.

Fwiw, I don't think a source would risk getting caught by creating multiple alt accounts for this.
The blind tests are atleast coming in.

I am performing 4 vials on lobster. He is only covering 420 of it.

Maybe I am the lobster alt account. I should probably change my name to Crab HGH so you can do you got crabs