Intro Post, Hi Everyone!


New Member
Excited to join this community, as I've heard great things about the knowledge and expertise available here.

42 years old
220lbs @ 19% body fat (Dexa Scan)

Starting to cut for summer. Would have started sooner, but my travel schedule did not cooperate. Also recently divorced, so want to get things dialed in to look my best for the dating scene. I've been lifting since high school for competitive sports and into college. Got back in to it a few years ago after a bad ATV accident, and built out an excellent home gym. Now my 14yr old son is wanting to start working with me so he can put on weight for HS football, so I finally have a lifting buddy again.

Aside from some peptide usage have not done much outside of basic supplements. My "T" levels are decent for my age, but seem to be plateauing more than I have in the past, and energy levels have definitely dropped. Considering a introductory cycle to kick things off. Have been researching a ton, but due to a lot of conflicting information, wanted to check out this community to learn more and ask questions.

Looking forward to engaging with you all and hopefully contributing to the community!