Introducing myself


New Member
Im 24, I’ve worked out seriously in high school powerlifting and took a very long break about six years and have fallen back in love with lifting and have been very consistent for 3 months now. What I’ve been focusing on is pure strength and powerlifting training. Of course this is the starting stage just trying to get my body used to the loads so I don’t get injured. My goals in terms of numbers are taking my bench from 230 to 315 near my high school days. Squat to 500 and deadlift 500 as well. I’ve also started my journey to becoming a certified powerlifting coach and certified personal trainer and am in school for it as well as computer science. I want to further my knowledge on PEDs and AAS to further round out my knowledge for myself and my health and my future clients if need be so I can teach them everything I know. Thank you for having me and I’m excited to learn what I can from everyone.
Im 24, I’ve worked out seriously in high school powerlifting and took a very long break about six years and have fallen back in love with lifting and have been very consistent for 3 months now. What I’ve been focusing on is pure strength and powerlifting training. Of course this is the starting stage just trying to get my body used to the loads so I don’t get injured. My goals in terms of numbers are taking my bench from 230 to 315 near my high school days. Squat to 500 and deadlift 500 as well. I’ve also started my journey to becoming a certified powerlifting coach and certified personal trainer and am in school for it as well as computer science. I want to further my knowledge on PEDs and AAS to further round out my knowledge for myself and my health and my future clients if need be so I can teach them everything I know. Thank you for having me and I’m excited to learn what I can from everyone.
nicei to see you here
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