

New Member
Hey all,
Started the gym as a rail at 14 y/o to bulk up for high school football. By junior year I had went from around 130lbs-185lbs at 6’1. Unfortunately I was involved in a car accident and dropped down to 150 with nerve damage in upper extremities. Slowly but surely I pushed myself in training and therapy. In about 1-2 years after accident I got all strength back in every lift. Around 21 I used mk-677 for a brief stint and got to 225lbs at around 20%bf. Have taken nothing “performing enhancing” since. In the 5 years since then I have consistently progressively overloaded all my lifts naturally and my current PRs are as follows:
Bench: 385lbs
Squat: 605
Incline bench : 335lbs
Bb Rows : 315x 5reps
Shoulder press: 315lbs
I avoid deadlifting but utilize similar movements (RDLs and rack pulls)
After nearly ten years post accident I went from 160lbs - 290lbs at my peak weight. Over the past 7 years have researched PEDs endlessly and learned best practices. After bloods around 6 months ago I started taking Losartan for mild high bp. Lipids were a tad out of range so upped my cardio and ate cleaner. Now 275lbs and around 22ish bf. Throughout the years I have had multiple pro and amateur competitors approach me to ask if I compete or am considering competing. Within this have had a plethora of them offer to mentor me which has been cool. Bloods at around 3 months ago showed lipid improvement but low test. Sitting at around 320ng/dl. I’m aware that I could do little things to slightly improve it with better sleep etc. but for the most part I’m pretty dialed with diet and training. Decided to finally take the plunge at 26 with taking a moderate test dose alongside HCG. Ordered an AI and clomid to have on hand as well. As I’m not pushing the dose high I’m planning to stay on for about 20-24weeks. Will take bloods halfway through and obviously after. Cycle will look like 300-350 test e per week with 300iu HCG EOD. Already have a kid and don’t want more for the time being, however never know what the future will hold. Depending on how this goes I may just decide to say screw pct’ing and staying on trt forever
If you made it this far thanks for reading and I look forward to being apart of the community