is a vial of oil based test still good until its expiration date if it was drawn from once, 2 years ago ?


New Member
hello all.
in reference to geneza enanthate that expires on 2025, if it was drawn from in 2021 is it still good until 2025 or is the expiration date in reference to product that hasnt been opened or used ?
in other words, within how long a period of time does a oil based testosterone have to be used after it is first drawn from ?
If it's bad you'll know by the smell usually. The oil will get a rancid smell.

If you're asking about bacteria and shit well, that's a call you'll have to make. Seeing as how test is so cheap why not just toss it
Thank you guys. Good points. My only problem is though I have geneza test suspension and their tne test suspension, which would last me until I make another order I don't want to use their tne again. Their regular suspension is great but the tne burns, I didn't feel that good and I felt a little burn in my liver so im down a vial and hoped the old geneza would carry me until my new order arrived. Anyway, thank you for ur feedback and I hope my tne negative experience can be of benefit to you to use the regular one instead.
Did you keep it sterile and wipe it down with alcohol before you used it that one time, and use a sterile needle, and then stored it in a cool sanitary dark place? Then, probably fine?

Did you spit on the seal, lick a needle to lube it up, stick it in there, draw, then threw the vial in your fishing tackle box and let it roll around the bed of your truck for several months in the sunlight, occasionally pulling it out to show your friends who passed it around a few times before throwing it in your glovebox next to your old sandwich you forgot about? Maybe not.

Basically, too many variables.
You are right. Sorry i didn't mention I did in fact wipe the vial top with alcohol swab, use a proper packaged sterile needle, put it in a box in a climate controlled environment and didn't touch it since.
Yes. That is a big difference between it being in a glove compartment for two years in all sorts of temp conditions.
It's probably ok if needed and prudent for me to inject a small amount first such as a 1/2 a ml.


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