Is Clenbuterol worth the risks?


New Member
Hi everyone, I am currently about 19% bf wanting to cut to 15% so I can start my test e cycle. In order to do this, I planned to use Clen for 2 weeks with low to moderate dosage (20 to 60 maybe 80 mcg). But today I googled and found that Clen can cause cardiac hypertrophy, and someone on meso said he had severe sides with only mcg. I'm wondering what's the general consensus of meso on whether clen is worth it or not? Thanks.
High bf could cause problems with e2, but by using an AI and nolva you can protect yourself. Run a simple test cycle 500-600 mg each week , for 10-12 weeks.That will do much more for you than clen.Increase lbm and it will be much easier to lose weight. imo clen is for contest prep.
Although beta agonists such as Clen and Albuterol can enhance "lipolysis" their use as a
dietary aid is rarely helpful in the long term. For that reason their use is generally limited to pre-contest intervals as Big_paul mentioned.

Also understand Albuterol has a "better" margin of safely profile, the latter being one reason Clen was discontinued as a prescription drug by the FDA years ago.
Clen, T3 and T4 cause so much disappointment because they are no miracle diet drug. It's your diet that's gonna bring your weight down. Clen and the likes is only icing on the cake. Sort your diet out and read up on stimulants to rev up your methabolism.

For the record I used Clen for years and was happy about it, but it didn't kick no ass.

I really don't like clen for the fact it seems to mess with the rhythm of my heart. as DK said diet would be key . I feel like there are to may side effects from clen.
I appreciate everyone for the reply. I think I will just cut naturally cos 15% bf is achievable without Clen just with more time but the sides from Clen might be something I will regret about.
Out in the gulf at the moment, en route past Crete I picked up some t3 for peanuts and had Clen already. 4 months later I am down from 119kg to 105kg. But.. I train twice a day and diet is tight, and it's 40-50deg. I felt cooler on off weeks for sure and cramps on Clen were a pain In the ass. Did they work.... I would say they were a help to get the extra bit but not nearly as effective as hard graft.

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I appreciate everyone for the reply. I think I will just cut naturally cos 15% bf is achievable without Clen just with more time but the sides from Clen might be something I will regret about.

I know I say this alot but an eca stack along with diet adjustments have worked best for me. It tends to kick up my energy level and Ive not noticed any of the downsides like I had using Clen.
Clen, T3 and T4 cause so much disappointment because they are no miracle diet drug. It's your diet that's gonna bring your weight down. Clen and the likes is only icing on the cake. Sort your diet out and read up on stimulants to rev up your methabolism.

For the record I used Clen for years and was happy about it, but it didn't kick no ass.

This times 1000. There is nothing that will relieve you from having to do the work and get the diet right. It took you quite a while to pack on that fat so it's going to take you a while to get it off. It's a tough lesson to learn. Fat comes on fast and comes off slow. Muscle goes on slow and comes off fast.