Thoughts on a summer cut

Hello there, I'm a 23-year-old natural lifter who plans to hop on PEDs soon, for now, I'm planning to do a simple cutting cycle from the beginning/middle of May to the end of June, with the following compounds:

DNP and Clen

I plan to stretch things out to a maximum of 6 to 8 weeks and to lose 6 to 10 kilos, initially, I plan to start with the following plan:

Week 1 Clen 40 mcg/day
Week 2 Clen 40 ~ 60 mcg/day (Will stick to 40 if the effects are still the same, up the dosage if I notice things are slowing down.)
Week 3 DNP 200 ~ 250 mcg/day (haven't found a good source in the EU)
Week 4 DNP 200 ~ 250 mcg/day
Week 5 Clen 40 mcg / day
Week 6 Clen 40 ~ 60 mcg / day (Same as week 2)

If things seem good, might push the cycle to 7 to 8 weeks as I'm planning to buy 21 pills of DNP.

I'm going to use the following to prevent side effects:

Nebivilol: A pill a day, mainly for cardiac protection due to Clen.
Taurine Supplement: One or two scoops a day, depending on the severity of the Clen shakes.
Paracetamol & Ibuprofen: A pill a day, to make the fever feeling of DNP more tolerable.
Multivitamin Supplement: 1 to 2 tabs a day to prevent any depletion due to the intense sweating.

For the more experienced members here, anything I should've done / missed? Maybe any comments?

I'm planning to dabble in test, but I want to be able to purchase all the ancillaries and the test that would suffice me for an entire year, so this would serve as a test run to see if I'm even qualified for gear in the first place.
The only thing you can do since your goal is different from the norm here in a way, is to find an effective protocol but start at the least amount you an get away with

Well, it looks like you already know how to eat so it won’t be that hard for you.
Yeah, I was thinking of doing 20 mcgs since my local source says he can easily get pharma / pharma grade clenbuterol, for DNP, I'm buying it off here tbh, the capsules the guy I'm buying from are set at 250 mg, hopefully I won't need more than 4 ~ 6 weeks in total.

I already have Nebivilol from Berlin Chemie from my local source, and that's a very well known pharmaceutical company.

I spent months researching this so I'm not planning to jump in like a moron.
I've been lifting for 3 years naturally at this point, I do every single thing you're talking about to the last minute detail, this is my physique around March ~ June, I'm much bigger now and fluffier, just looking to cut quickly before I hop on test.

My test levels are 864 ng/dl.

Do I need to post legs too?
Dude what are you trying to cut down to, a fucking skeleton?

You are pretty lean but you are small, you need to focus on building lean tissue, not running dnp to burn off more fat. You will just be a skinny kid with abs.

Run some test and eat some food bro, you’re going about this ALL wrong.

If you are dead set on getting leaner before using test just continue to diet down further but this is not the way.

What is your reasoning for this. You want to look like this tiny dudes on TikTok or something?
Dude what are you trying to cut down to, a fucking skeleton?

You are pretty lean but you are small, you need to focus on building lean tissue, not running dnp to burn off more fat. You will just be a skinny kid with abs.

Run some test and eat some food bro, you’re going about this ALL wrong.

If you are dead set on getting leaner before using test just continue to diet down further but this is not the way.

What is your reasoning for this. You want to look like this tiny dudes on TikTok or something?

Yeah that's the 30000-foot view but I was just like that kid once.

"Neither steak nor fish" -Russian proverb, probably
Dude what are you trying to cut down to, a fucking skeleton?

You are pretty lean but you are small, you need to focus on building lean tissue, not running dnp to burn off more fat. You will just be a skinny kid with abs.

Run some test and eat some food bro, you’re going about this ALL wrong.

If you are dead set on getting leaner before using test just continue to diet down further but this is not the way.

What is your reasoning for this. You want to look like this tiny dudes on TikTok or something?
That was my physique a year ago, I am much much MUCH fluffier than that now, my weight there was 66 ~ 68 if I'm not mistaken, and I've been bulking for almost a year from that point.

So trust me, no, I'm not trying to cut down to a fucking skeleton.