Is hgh damaged?


New Member

Was mixing 10/11iu of unconstituted hgh powder with 1 ml bac water.

Never removed vacuum first from hgh vial. As soon as I pierced hgh vial with bac water it shot into powder forcefully instead of gently sliding down side of vial as recommended.

Is this 10iu of reconstituted hgh now completely ruined or is some of it still usable albeit with a lower potency?


Was mixing 10/11iu of unconstituted hgh powder with 1 ml bac water.

Never removed vacuum first from hgh vial. As soon as I pierced hgh vial with bac water it shot into powder forcefully instead of gently sliding down side of vial as recommended.

Is this 10iu of reconstituted hgh now completely ruined or is some of it still usable albeit with a lower potency?

No, you're good. Next time just angle the needle and let it run down the side.