Someone just posted in the steroid forums about using hcg in 2 week 3 off cycles. I began to wonder since our bodies build certain immunities and recover from certain things faster over time as we are conditioned to it possible for the HPTA to be conditioned for recovery? Or is this just a dream all aas users would like to be true.
If someone were to start off with short cycles like the 2 weekers and recover naturally from them from time again for maybe 4 or 5 cycles...move that up to 4 weeks over a certain amount of time...6 weeks and so on...
Would the HPTA not condition itself for a healthier and faster recovery to homeostasis since the shut down would no longer be a shock..atrophy yes of course, but how big of a part would that play?
If someone were to start off with short cycles like the 2 weekers and recover naturally from them from time again for maybe 4 or 5 cycles...move that up to 4 weeks over a certain amount of time...6 weeks and so on...
Would the HPTA not condition itself for a healthier and faster recovery to homeostasis since the shut down would no longer be a shock..atrophy yes of course, but how big of a part would that play?