Is it possible to condition the HPTA?


10+ Year Member
Someone just posted in the steroid forums about using hcg in 2 week 3 off cycles. I began to wonder since our bodies build certain immunities and recover from certain things faster over time as we are conditioned to it possible for the HPTA to be conditioned for recovery? Or is this just a dream all aas users would like to be true.

If someone were to start off with short cycles like the 2 weekers and recover naturally from them from time again for maybe 4 or 5 cycles...move that up to 4 weeks over a certain amount of time...6 weeks and so on...

Would the HPTA not condition itself for a healthier and faster recovery to homeostasis since the shut down would no longer be a shock..atrophy yes of course, but how big of a part would that play?
Interesting theory @tubesox, I would think the compounds used would need to remain the same and perhaps dosage as well, with the adaptive variable being the length of shutdown.
Interesting theory @tubesox, I would think the compounds used would need to remain the same and perhaps dosage as well, with the adaptive variable being the length of shutdown.

this is something i would really like dig deep into...really makes ya think, or it does me anyway
Someone just posted in the steroid forums about using hcg in 2 week 3 off cycles. I began to wonder since our bodies build certain immunities and recover from certain things faster over time as we are conditioned to it possible for the HPTA to be conditioned for recovery? Or is this just a dream all aas users would like to be true.

If someone were to start off with short cycles like the 2 weekers and recover naturally from them from time again for maybe 4 or 5 cycles...move that up to 4 weeks over a certain amount of time...6 weeks and so on...

Would the HPTA not condition itself for a healthier and faster recovery to homeostasis since the shut down would no longer be a shock..atrophy yes of course, but how big of a part would that play?

Can you provide the link?

Let me help ...

I think a persons response to AAS and hpta "shutdown" may differ in some regards but I don't see how you could condition the hypothalamus, pituitary, or the testes to better "recover" naturally (over time) through the use of recurring periods of (short, infrequent) AAS use (or anything that suppresses the HPTA) and restore hpta function any faster for later cycles. The less time you spend on cycle on the other hand (short cycles) may be beneficial to recovery time though (Bill Roberts?).

Psychologically maybe you will better adapt to the negative side effects (psychological) that occur during periods of low testosterone levels after the cessation of AAS use because you have become used to it in that regard.
Very helpful insite thank you
I think a persons response to AAS and hpta "shutdown" may differ in some regards but I don't see how you could condition the hypothalamus, pituitary, or the testes to better "recover" naturally (over time) through the use of recurring periods of (short, infrequent) AAS use (or anything that suppresses the HPTA) and restore hpta function any faster for later cycles. The less time you spend on cycle on the other hand (short cycles) may be beneficial to recovery time though (Bill Roberts?).

Psychologically maybe you will better adapt to the negative side effects (psychological) that occur during periods of low testosterone levels after the cessation of AAS use because you have become used to it in that regard.
Very helpful insite thank you

I prefer short cycles for a few reasons, mainly the less side effects associated with them. The primary and most irritating side effect I have developed from AAS use is rather severe back acne and once you get it, it is damned hard to get rid of. Due to health issues I am not a good candidate for accutane so I have to go the antibiotic route and it is slow and I am not sure how well it is actually working anyway. I developed severe acne after several weeks of use and it got worse, I figured it would go away post cycle as it usually does. But this particular cycle I ran it longer than usual, using short esters (which is my norm). I should have hopped off cycle when I noticed the acne getting out of hand but I pushed it and now I regret it.....some. Short cycles, never had any issues worth mentioning acne wise. My recovery time is substantially quicker and I can run cycles with very short periods of time off in between. However, the front loading of gear, short esters used, and high amounts of AAS used to make these types of cycles work is expensive, way more expensive than a typical cycle in the grand scheme of things. Another issue is when running longer cycles is the possibility of not having access to hCG. If you are familiar with methods that Dr. Scally has described, hpta restoration after longer cycles is frequently successful.

Due to my own issues with acne and the lack of availability of decent hCG (domestically) I stick to shorter cycles, especially after the cycle that has destroyed my back and shoulders. Otherwise I've had no issues. Would be nice to run a longer cycle again here and there but I wouldn't even think about it until this acne clears up. It's a look at anyway...all the girls love a guy with huge bumps on his back....