Is long esters more anabolic?

I waaaas thinking of upping my nnp dose.. 1ml morning 1ml night…

23 pins a week about to be spending more on needles/ syringes than I did on this 500ml bottle of npp lol
500ml bottle?!!! Isn’t that technically a jug? Lol. Who is selling 500ml bottles of NPP?!? Lmao. Teasing.
500ml bottle?!!! Isn’t that technically a jug? Lol. Who is selling 500ml bottles of NPP?!? Lmao. Teasing.
Stan used to for a short time but just recently stopped. I also have 500ml test c lol wish to god I would have splurged and got the 500ml Tren A bottle… regret so much it keeps me up at night
Sure but the short esters and TNE peak much higher from the same mg dose. I believe I read in a paper that a 25mg of test prop resulted in the same peak as a 110mg dose of enanthate. Obviously the enanthate has a more gradual decay though. But pinning the short ester with enough frequency (EOD?) would presumably result in similar auc as the long ester even at steady state levels. I've never actually done the calculation to determine that though.

Edit: Haha, I should have kept reading the thread. @readalot posted a graph showing the comparison of 25mg prop vs 110mg enanthate.
IIRC long esters have more ester weight.
Like 100 mg Test E = 70 mg Test
and 100 mg Test P = 90 mg Test
IIRC long esters have more ester weight.
Like 100 mg Test E = 70 mg Test
and 100 mg Test P = 90 mg Test
Long esters are certainly bigger/heavier and reduce the actual amount of test in a given amount. But it’s more like

Test ensnthate 72% hormone
Test propionate 83.7% hormone

Testosterone’s molar mass is 288.4g/mol. Test P is 344.5g/mol and Test E is 400.6.

But it’s the duration of action of the short esters that allows for the huge spikes from smaller mg doses. And they decay faster as one would expect.