
New Member
Hey folks,

After this summer, i am going off almost all AAS and beginning a PCT of Clomid, Nolva, and a triple course of HCG.

I have been mostly "on" cycle for about 8 years. I do require i was planning on 250 mg of test cyp/mo and 25mg Proviron eod.

Exactly what blood tests do i need to request from my doctor, and are there any other exams i should have done in order to be sure everything is okay?

I am coming off for a while - want to be sure there isnt any irreversible damage, and my wife and I would like to have a child....

Any and all advice and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.

Coming off of a long cruise is gonna be no fun at all.

Drop your cruise dose down to a TRT dose, take some HCG for a while, then stop with the test, wait a few weeks and do some PCT.

Tell your Dr what you have done and he'll know what tests to order.
Hey folks,

After this summer, i am going off almost all AAS and beginning a PCT of Clomid, Nolva, and a triple course of HCG.

I have been mostly "on" cycle for about 8 years. I do require i was planning on 250 mg of test cyp/mo and 25mg Proviron eod.

Exactly what blood tests do i need to request from my doctor, and are there any other exams i should have done in order to be sure everything is okay?

I am coming off for a while - want to be sure there isnt any irreversible damage, and my wife and I would like to have a child....

Any and all advice and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.

No need for "pct." it's a MYTH! I've said this a trillion times...taper off what you're on and be done with it. Your body has to come back. The body needs to reach homeostasis by itself. Putting shitloads of drugs into it to combat other drugs is just nonsense! TAPER.
No need for "pct." it's a MYTH! I've said this a trillion times...taper off what you're on and be done with it. Your body has to come back. The body needs to reach homeostasis by itself. Putting shitloads of drugs into it to combat other drugs is just nonsense! TAPER.

Just shut up already. You've never done steroids, you are just a kid whose nuts failed to drop.
Well, i guess everybody is just bonkers who suggests PCT? After what equates to nearly an 8 year cycle, im going to at least need hcg. Ive taken it in the past after coming off, and ive tried without it. With hcg my berries plumped right up within a few days - without it, they stayed like a couple of tic tacs for weeks.

The multitude of trusted sources, personal experience and my endocrinologist likely know what theyre talking about. Gotta stick with Burrr on this one.

Thank you both, however.

No need for "pct." it's a MYTH! I've said this a trillion times...taper off what you're on and be done with it. Your body has to come back. The body needs to reach homeostasis by itself. Putting shitloads of drugs into it to combat other drugs is just nonsense! TAPER.

And your and established MORON and I've posted that several times. (I can't compete with your grossly exaggerated "trillion" Taper suggestions, lol)

You pance onto Meso boasting about a method "TAPERING AAS" that was abandoned decades ago bc it doesn't effect HTPA recovery and if you can cite evidence to the contrary POST IT NOW.

Oh that's right your experience says it all; a 22 year old who has been on "TRT" for a whopping FOUR YEARS! WOW

I'd love to review your preTRT labs bc you would have been 18 at that juncture yet you "needed TRT", BULLSHIT!
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Seriously you need to fuck off you little prick. People are coming here for genuine advise from people with real world experiences.

Your a fucking weapon. Now piss off and study some.

Wow, i feel like you are all sticking up for me! Lol. Thanks guys. I guess there is some history here with this baseless fool - and yeah, someone totally uneducated could really mess up their lives by listening to this little fucker. Kinda scary.....
Have a look this the kids previous posts. He's a clown. Taking about myths and shit. Multiple threads spouting the same shite. Hopefully people see though his bollocks (however tiny and shrivelled they may be) ;)
After what equates to nearly an 8 year cycle, im going to at least need hcg.


Oh I promise your going to need much more than that.

I mean after some EIGHT YEARS of AAS use your only now inquiring about the required pre-PCT labs is telling in more ways than one.

The fact is wo PCT TRT WILL most certainly become a part of your near future.

And now you want kids, really!
I suppose that was not a consideration in the past 8 years!

What you need is to stop treating yourself and see a doc and tell him the TRUTH, unless of course you intend to outsource a sperm count lab assay!

Of course Asshomey is unaware SERMS are used somewhat frequently for male infertility especially when the cause is secondary hypogonadism.

But the again you could just TAPER, TAPER, TAPER and begin TRT, the effects of either on spermatogenesis are similar, as both lower sperm counts.
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Wow, i feel like you are all sticking up for me! Lol. Thanks guys. I guess there is some history here with this baseless fool - and yeah, someone totally uneducated could really mess up their lives by listening to this little fucker. Kinda scary.....

The pill may be hard to swallow initially, but the overwhelming majority of Meso vets have your best interests in mind.

I mean you've been cycling for Eight years and apparently haven't conducted even periodic lab testing to determine its effects on your HTPA/gonadal axis and overall health.

You need to understand chances are your recovery will not be routine by any means, especially when it's compounded by presupposed infertility.

It's for these reasons I believe you really NEED to pursue a more formal medical evaluation at least to establish your current baseline.
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No need for "pct." it's a MYTH! I've said this a trillion times...taper off what you're on and be done with it. Your body has to come back. The body needs to reach homeostasis by itself. Putting shitloads of drugs into it to combat other drugs is just nonsense! TAPER.
I don't think myth means what you think it means...
A myth is when your mom said she loved you- every time she said it.
She battled with having an abortion and regrets it every day she didn't. She struggled with drowning you every time she bathed you as a baby- and the threat of prison kept her from doing so.... not any affection for you. Another myth is that she had any affection at all.
You see, you are cying out for attention on an Internet chat board trolling with false information because nobody ever loved you. Nobody ever cared. Unfortunately the only love you may have ever felt (being raped in a group home after your mother left you on a doorstep, rang the bell and ran away) is gone now. cherish the memory of making someone happy, even if it was a sociopathic closet homosexual.
I don't think myth means what you think it means...
A myth is when your mom said she loved you- every time she said it.
She battled with having an abortion and regrets it every day she didn't. She struggled with drowning you every time she bathed you as a baby- and the threat of prison kept her from doing so.... not any affection for you. Another myth is that she had any affection at all.
You see, you are cying out for attention on an Internet chat board trolling with false information because nobody ever loved you. Nobody ever cared. Unfortunately the only love you may have ever felt (being raped in a group home after your mother left you on a doorstep, rang the bell and ran away) is gone now. cherish the memory of making someone happy, even if it was a sociopathic closet homosexual.

Damn Asshomey, now you went and committed the cardinal sin, having awakened Brutus from his mid-day slumber, you're F....ed!

Try one of those other "bro" boards you have been so critical of such as Eroids or TID, bc you had your chance on Meso and blew it.

Time to taper, taper, taper your ass out of here, lol.